24 Great Insightful Books About Finding Your Passion

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This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Finding Passion. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

How to Be Italian by Maria Pasquale

This product was recommended by AndreaKiliany Thatcher from HeartRome

This book not only showcases what we can learn about how Italians bring passion into their everyday lives, but it also shows how the author centered her life around her passion for travel and Italian culture.

Grit by Angela Duckworth

This product was recommended by Susan Melony from Unbreak Yourself

Grit is defined in the book as a combination of passion and persistence. Angela Duckworth highlighted in this book that grit will be the foundation of anyone to pursue their desires and achieve things. Despite having many struggles, grit will be everyone’s key to progress.

Way of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort

This product was recommended by Tim Connon from ParamountQuote Insurance Advisors

I am suggesting this book because it is a story about a man who lost his way but found himself again. It took rock bottom to get there but he pulled himself back up and became successful all over again and now shares it with the world.

The Seed by Jon Gordon

This product was recommended by Nate Torres from Imaginated

As someone who always had doubts about the feasibility of his business idea, this book has been a major source of reassurance. The Seed depicts the story of Josh, who, disillusioned with his work, arrives in the countryside where he receives a seed, which is to be planted in the right place to reveal his true purpose. For me, the seed becomes reflective of your ideas and passions, which you must nurture and grow to achieve true happiness. The protagonist in this book is very dear to me as his journey is reminiscent of my struggle when I decided to set up imaginated.com. My goal was to cast away the era of ‘fake gurus’ and digital get-rich-quick schemes by providing an environment that promotes and supports truth, storytelling, authenticity, and human connection. Gordon’s reimagining of what can be construed as business and happiness offers a fresh perspective for beginners and those unsure of the road they should be taking.

Ikigai by Hector Garcia

This product was recommended by Scott Hasting from BetWorthy LLC

Japanese people have one of the longest lifespans in the entire world. This book explores Japanese people’s lives and their pursuit of happiness and calm by staying active. So if you are trying to find meaning and passion in your life, you might just find it by learning from the experiences of real and happy people. The book contains the how-to’s to finding really happiness so it is one of the most important books you should read in your life.

On Purpose With Purpose by John Ramstead

This product was recommended by Craig Miller from Academia Labs LLC

This book is not just about passion, it is also about leadership. It contains excerpts from the author’s life, from his near-fatal accident, and how he learned his life’s purpose. It is a step-by-step guide in finding your purpose and achieving your greatest potential in every aspect of your life. If you know how to do that, then everything will fall in their right places and success is sure to follow you everywhere you go.

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett

This product was recommended by Klaudia Saniewska from LowKeyHappiness

Through my work teaching people how to build purposeful passion projects, I’ve found that passion isn’t found…it’s developed through experimenting with different interests. This book helps you think differently about the concept of finding your passion and teaches you how to design a life that’s in alignment with who you are which will inevitably help you develop (not stumble upon) your passions..

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This product was recommended by Aswin Krishnan from Redefine Yourself

The name that came to my mind right when I saw the title was The Alchemist. No other book inspires you more than The Alchemist to pursue your dreams and never give up. It is the story of a young boy who leaves his country Spain to Egypt in search of a treasure, the things that he encounters on his journey and the things that he learns from them. The best line that I like in the book is When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve it. It tells us how simple things in life are more exciting than we think and when your heart is in the right place, life will take you where you want to be.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Bikingknowhow

Sophia Amoruso is an absolute legend. I like the fact that she organically started a company without even realizing it. Those small things like having attention to detail to deliver the highest level of service you provide to your customers, to ensure it’s clear they are valued and appreciated. She cared less about what others thought about her and she lived life on her terms. Her journey of starting a successful business from scratch is very inspiring. Sophia simply ROCKS!

The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna

This product was recommended by Danny Marshall from Mortgage Rate Guru

This book is for anyone who is divided between doing what they want and doing what they think they should. It’s about the internal conflict that exists between doing what makes you happy and doing what others expect of you. It reveals the worries that arise when you consider following your passion — money, time, and failure – as well as the wonderful possibilities that open up when you do. You’ve come to a fork in the road: which path will you take?

How will you measure your Life? by Clayton Christensen

This product was recommended by Rahul Kumar from RankSoldier

The book offers a series of guidelines for finding peace and meaning in one’s life. He highlights the importance of being satisfied with what one does. Passion is about being self-aware. He has used real-life examples to show how high achievers sometimes fall into the trap of unhappiness. He has put forward several questions, inspiration, words of wisdom that would help any person, regardless of their age and state, find their purpose and passion in life and forge their paths to inner fulfillment.

The Passion Test by Janet and Chris Attwood

This product was recommended by Josh M from Plumbinglab

It is the New York Times bestseller and has helped many to find their passion in life. The tests are simple and straightforward, which helps to identify your top 5 passions. It also gives a step-by-step program to learn how to put them into action.

Find Your Passion by Henri Junttila

This product was recommended by Josh M from Plumbinglab

This book has 25 questions that determine the passion of your life. It eliminates any confusion and helps gain clarity over the answers to the questions asked.

Fearless Passion By Yong Kang Chan

This product was recommended by Nikita Verma from PurpleCrest Management Consulting

This is a great book on a career change. It’s a book to inspire everyone. The book draws on the personal experiences of Yong Kang Chan, who switched careers from being an accountant to becoming an animator, as well as interviews with others who have successfully changed careers. This book gives excellent advice on how to begin by guiding you through effective exercises that will reveal your passions, help you let go of your fears, as well as show you where to look and how to apply for the job of your dreams. The book is a wonderful introduction to finding your passion.

The Element by Ken Robinson

This product was recommended by Jordan W. Peagler from MKP Law Group, LLP

Using real-life examples that draw people in, Robinson talks about the impact that finding their passion had on a number of celebrities and entrepreneurs, including Matt Groening, Richard Branson, Paul McCartney and more. This book discusses not only personal passion, but natural talent and nurturing them both so people can reach their full potential. It inspires readers to look at their own lives, passions, and talents.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

This product was recommended by Nicholas Rizzo from WordsRated

As many people start sprinting towards their goals of finding themselves or finding their passion, they are forgetting to do the essential work first. The Gifts of Imperfection is that essential work where Brene Brown paints a clear picture of how we are hard-wired to have all these misconceptions of who we are supposed to be and teaches us to learn to love our authentic self. Her ten guideposts for authenticity make it simple and easy to check in with yourself day-to-day to keep yourself on track to leading a more authentic life. Through this book and the journey ahead, you learn to realize that these imperfections are what make us truly unique and more times than not are our greatest strengths. Through this mindsets shift and reset on our thinking, finding your passion and purpose in life becomes a natural process that merely involves embracing who you are, what brings you joy, and those perfect imperfections that make you, you.

Finding Your Element by Sir Ken Robinson PhD

This product was recommended by David Adler from The Travel Secret

Finding a passion can be very simple for some people but it can also be complicated for others. And although some individuals find it, they don’t know if this passion can be of any use to them, is what really motivates them or if they are truly good at it. As a result, this book can help anyone transform their lives through their passions and talents. I also recommend it mainly because the authors are New York Times bestsellers and they are also famous in TED Talk Video.

Lost Travel Found by Ashley Jackson

This product was recommended by Ashley Jackson from Timeless Dream

Lost Travel Found tells my story of surviving grief, finding myself across the planet, and falling madly in love. Watch as I share the first few decades of my life, working through the unexpected loss of my father, navigating through the world on a solo trip, and supporting my husband through a devastating cancer diagnosis. It is not just about my caregiving journey, it is a story that will remind you how to overcome a victim mentality to become a victor. It will inspire you to dream big. This book will make hope call your name again. Will you be brave enough to answer? You won’t be disappointed, let the adventure begin!

Unwrapping Your Passion by Karen Putz

This product was recommended by Cindy Corpis from SearchPeopleFree

For all of us, waking up to a similar mundane life is a constant reality, and it’s high time to unveil the passion within and expel pessimism from life. This is the book, which gives you the stamina and triggers desire. After going through the sentences, it shakes up the status quo of ageing and reevaluates the barometer of living a passionate life. Authors provide numerous clues to finding passions and the adequate steps to manifest the true meaning of life.

The Art of Work by Jeff Goins

This product was recommended by Todd Bissell from RideFAQs

Just because you’re enthusiastic about something doesn’t guarantee you should pursue it professionally. I love fashion, but I’m not very adept at putting together amazing ensembles. Is it possible for me to learn it? Yes. Should I do it? It doesn’t enlighten me nough for me to. Passion is a crucial piece of the puzzle, but it isn’t the entire story. The junction of your passions, abilities, and values is where your purpose – or calling – lies. It should be enjoyable as well as fulfilling. This book will help you distinguish between your hobbies and your true calling — the thing you can’t stop doing.

Finding Your Passion by Henri Junttila

This product was recommended by Tara Orcutt from VeggiesLicious

The author poses 25 questions for the audience to consider in order to discover their life’s purpose and passion. This book cuts right to the heart of your problems, dispelling any and all doubts or anxieties you may have. It will greatly assist you in comprehending the answers to the questions presented. When you’ve finished reading, you’ll almost certainly have all of the answers you need, allowing you to know exactly how and when to take the next step toward the life of your dreams.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert discusses how to discover interests via inquiry, what it means to live a creative life, and how you might live more creatively to find more pleasure and purpose in your life. This is a fantastic book. Any regular blog or Your Best Self Magazine reader will know that I frequently refer to it and encourage that people listen to/read it.

Man’s Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

This is one of the few novels that everyone should read at least once in their lives. Read this book when you’re feeling lost; read it when you’re feeling trapped; and read it while you’re in agony. The human is a pleasure-seeking creature, yet allowing pleasure to control the route of your life will never lead you to your passion and purpose. Man’s Search for Meaning is a book on how to find your life’s purpose as well as how to overcome adversity, suffering, and feel free no matter what your circumstances are.

You’re Not Lost by Maxie McCoy

This product was recommended by Lisa Sanchez from The Nines

A friend recommended this book to me when I lamented being lost in my career path, and I have since recommended the book to others. I respond to concrete examples and action, not theory; Maxie offers great actionable advice in spades. The worksheets are my favorite part because after Maxie’s words inspire and motivate me, I can really dig into my thoughts and formulate a clearer vision for what I want and need in my life. When I’m writing I swear I can hear Maxie cheering for me!

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