Ethical Product Review: Dr Bronner’s Fluoride Free Peppermint Toothpaste

3 mins read

Introducing Dr. Bronner’s All-One Toothpaste with 70% organic ingredients! Our low-foaming formula is fluoride-free, vegan and cruelty-free, with no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners – none! This simple yet effective toothpaste stimulates mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, leaving them fresh and clean. 

Dr Bronner’s Toothpaste Review:

“Natural, all-organic ingredients: Dr. Bronner’s is committed to making quality products not only with key ingredients from nature, but also using conventional processing methods that are considered safe for our planet and that don’t involve chemicals of any kind, including mineral oil, citric acid, and sodium lauryl sulfate.”

“The natural and organic essential oils of peppermint, rosemary…”

“…and myrrh are used in the formula, just because they soothe the gums and mouth.”

Efficacy of the toothpaste:

“Where did it go? I checked my teeth and they looked and felt like I hadn’t cleaned them in years.”

Be advised, I will be reviewing several other products made by Dr. Bronner’s…coming soon!

“It was like minty fresh breath, and I couldn’t stop smiling. The minty flavor hit the front of my tongue.”

“Even without the peppermint, Dr. Bronner’s Unscented All-One Toothpaste is such a fine toothpaste, and it leaves your mouth and teeth feeling and feeling so clean. I feel like all my teeth are getting their fair share of the good stuff!”

“Well, I don’t even know if you can guess the kind of person I am, but I like to think of myself as a pretty indiscriminate connoisseur of toothpaste, but when I tried Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Toothpaste, I found that it is thoroughly compassionate.”

“I like the fact that these soaps, cosmetics and toothpaste are all vegan-friendly.”

“I love these soaps. I think they make great gifts and are definitely a great addition to my bathroom. They are very good quality and the presentation is very professional. These are a great gift to any health conscious person like myself; I am all about healthy living and these products really support it…”

What does it mean to be an Australian vegan lifestyle blogger…

I started blogging anonymously for safety. After some Google searches and conversations with friends, I was looking at underground sites with leaked information about the Hitler Youth Absconder or something. In a time when the world is so connected, it’s a little scary. I felt there was a need for more people to be afraid of ‘dr Bronners’, but not for health reasons, just because something unknown could happen to you.

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I decided it was safer to be anonymous.

About 5 months ago I decided to reveal myself to the world and just tell the truth. I will admit, it was scary. I felt stupid writing under the name Jane who happened to have a common name.

I received many comments from people regarding the name. I even had a highly educated and cynical journalist from the The Guardian ask me questions about my name.

It took me months of doubting and studying my name to finally come to the conclusion that everyone else calls me Jane and I call myself Jane. I guess the name was just a phase.

I felt just by sharing my name, I could show that I have an identity of my own and that I have a name that fits me. I have always loved Jane Austen as she was the only female writer that I have read over and over again. The fact that I chose her as a pseudonym shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone, but I can admit I just didn’t realise how many people were going to think my Jane Austen name was ironic and have the giggles.

All in all, I don’t really care what they think. I want to be me and that’s why I’m sharing my story.

My name was Jane Austen and I was a vegan lifestyle blogger.

Dr Bronner’s Toothpaste Review:

“Whenever I feel really sick, I just brush my teeth with Dr. Bronner’s peppermint toothpaste and they are still almost perfectly polished the next day.”

“The best thing about Dr. Bronner’s toothpaste is that it really gets the job done. I can’t live without it.”

“Yup, it actually cleans my teeth better than brushing with any other toothpaste, and I don’t even use baking soda! (I tried that a while ago without much sucess… It made my teeth feel a bit softer, but didn’t make them any cleaner.) Also, I don’t have to scrub that hard. (I have a really sensitive mouth, and I don’t like to scrub too hard. Once I brush with my toothbrush and this toothpaste, it’s all over…)”

“I love this toothpaste! It has NO alcohols in it, and it’s free of fluoride and paraben and nasty stuff that people think is good…I am selling a lot of these everywhere!”

“While there are many new natural toothpastes on the market, none combine a proprietary collection of organic ingredients with a fun, refreshing natural appeal that is unique and appealing.”

“I’m not sure I understand why it’s necessary to add peppermint oil to a toothpaste…”

“I found it to be a great minty fresh breath, and I couldn’t stop smiling. The minty flavor hit the front of my tongue.”

“I have to say that I was surprised at how minty the toothpaste tasted… But I really loved it! The mint flavor hits the front of your tongue, and you can feel it really clean your teeth. I like that it didn’t have a harsh minty aftertaste…”

Read more reviews or Buy here


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