Moving To Higher Ground By John Englander
This product was recommended by Mike Onorato from Smith Publicity

In this fascinating new work, discover the plain truth about climate change and Sea Level Rise (SLR). Facts without political spin. In reality, there are no quick fixes and no permanent solutions for climate change and SLR in sight. Going to zero C02 emissions will not stop the problems, or solve them. Simply, permanent climate change and unstoppable SLR are here to stay. In this amazing new work by best-selling author and oceanographer John Englander, discover how greenhouse gases have trapped more heat on Earth, how the extra heat is stored in the ocean, and how this excess heat is the driving force behind severe weather, climate change, and rising seas. Plus find out hot that same excess heat is melting the great ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica at rates never seen in recorded history. And accelerating. The truth? We have no way to cool the oceans. The excess heat will stay with us for centuries. We must accept the new reality, and plan for the future.
The Fragile Earth by David Remnick
This product was recommended by Jayson Bautista from Let’s Learn Slang

I think if you are coming up with a list of the best books on Climate Change, you gotta include this as it is a collection of some of the most well-researched, provocative, sometimes controversial, long-form essays that have appeared in the New Yorker magazine. One notable piece is William McKibben’s 1989 piece The End of Nature, which a lot of people at the time considered too speculative. Other notable writers featured are Elizabeth Kolbert and Kathryn Schulz.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates
This product was recommended by Piyush Yadav from Ask Any Difference

“Hands down – believe it or not – the best climate change book I’ve read is this one by Bill Gates. It provided the most eye-opening data, offered up the best solutions, and explained to me where we might go if nothing changes. Bill Gates is a mega influencer on our economy and understands what it takes to make a big difference in our world. His insight into the changing world and how we might correct our ways so we can have a clearer, healthier future. No matter who you are and what you know, this book by Gates about climate change is a must-read!”
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate by Naomi Klein
This product was recommended by Asfa Khalid from Do It Writers

In the book, the award-winning journalist Naomi Klein busts the myths of the climate debate and gets in-depth to the ignorance of powerful companies and think tanks that are only adding to this climate change. He challenges the free market ideology and believes is the main reason behind the climate crisis
Drawdown by Paul Hawkin
This product was recommended by Asfa Khalid from Do It Writers

The book is the cumulation of well-known climate activist and entrepreneur Paul Hawken to armed with all the tangible data using 65 researchers to gain sights on climate change. He believes change can only be made if we have enough awareness for it. In the book, you get to see 100 proven solutions from 128 experts in climate and sustainability business to help us reach “drawdown”.
Windfall by McKenzie Funk
This product was recommended by Asfa Khalid from Do It Writers

From Israeli businessmen who earn billions in man-made snow to Dutch architects designing floating cities, Climate change is a big business. Where we are aware of the science behind climate change, this book talks about the economic impact that this crisis can bring us all. Funk traveled the world to interview dozens of entrepreneurs and collect realistic data and the conventional wisdom needed to come up with potential solutions and make an impact.
Don’t Even Think About It by George Marshall
This product was recommended by Asfa Khalid from Do It Writers

Want to know what it is like to know the views of a climate change denialist? This book is for you. Regardless of the scientific evidence available, he talks about the psychology behind our lack of interest in climate change and why we are unable to see the unprecedented chaos that will arise as a result of this. He argues that the innate sense of tribalism prevents us from seeing the situation as a united collective.
Storms of My Grandchildren by James Hansen
This product was recommended by Torben Lonne from DiveIn

There are many good books for the general reader about the science, the politics, the economics and the psychology of climate change, but if I had to recommend just one book it would be James Hansen’s Storms of My Grandchildren. Hansen is a distinguished climate scientist who is committed to making change happen. He has been unusually outspoken among scientists for a long time. “Storms of My Grandchildren” is both a good introduction to the science of climate change and a first-hand account of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of attempted sabotage by political operatives who know nothing about the science. Hansen paints a devastating but all-too-realistic picture of what will happen in the near future, mere years and decades from now, if we follow the course we’re on. But he is also an optimist, showing that there is still time to do what we need to save the planet. Hansen’s courageous and passionate work presented in this book makes him one of the very few to really grasp the impending danger we may face.
Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich
This product was recommended by Sarah Stromsdorfer from Tamborasi

Perhaps the most important and talked-about aspects of climate change revolve around how bad humans are at understanding it, accepting it, and dealing with. Our brains are not wired to care much about large-scale and abstract threats. What’s more, big issues have a tendency – more and more – to become unnecessarily polarized because of our tribal nature that pervades everything. This is made abundantly clear in Nathaniel Rich’s book, Losing Earth. It goes back into recent history to see how things went off the rails when it comes to building a consensus on climate change and enacting viable solutions. I’ve read many books on the subject, and this is one that really puts the topic into context. I highly recommend this book!
How to Prepare for Climate Change by David Pogue
This product was recommended by Mitch Goldstone from ScanMyPhotos

Beyond reporting on why climate disasters matter, Mr. Pogue shares hundred of tips to plan ahead and protect yourself before a hurricane or wildfire puts everything you have at risk. This is timely and enlightening. How to Prepare for Climate Change is an indispensable guide to make smart choices now for the upheaval ahead.