This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books To Bring To A Baby Shower. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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On Becoming Babywise by Robert Bucknam
This product was recommended by Manasi Gangan from Nested Bean

I recommend this book because it is one of many baby sleep training books that will help your baby achieve a sleeping pattern and simplify things for everyone. We know how demanding babies can be when young, but, with the directions in the book, your baby can have a definite schedule where they feed, sleep, and wake. The authors present some schedule-driven approaches that are easy to implement. Your baby will wake up when it’s feeding time, enjoy his milk, and go back to sleep without intermittent periods of unrest. The book is a perfect fit for new parents and especially those who have strict schedules and would prefer having definite feeding times for their babies.
On the Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier
This product was recommended by Janise McGaw from BestBooks

The book I normally gift is On The Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier. It really captures how one feels becoming a parent, and is the type of book you can read to your child all through their childhood. I also don’t think it is very well-known; I’ve given it at 6 separate baby showers and no-one ever heard of it. But they have come to me months later thanking me for their favourite baby shower gift.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr
This product was recommended by Sally Stevens from FastPeopleSearch

To think of it this may be the oldest and most antiquated book for one to recommend, but it still reigns supreme. If anything, Brown Bear is the clear definition of a timeless piece when it comes to children’s sing-song books. It’s still a hit as much as it was in 1996 when it was released. The board book version of the book may be an even better option if you intend to use it as a baby shower gift. If anything, new moms will love the sing-song pace of the book while babes will absolutely be fixated with the flow and the color. My own kids pretty much cammed the whole book while they were still at 8 months,
Welcome to the World by Lucy Tapper
This product was recommended by Mo Mulla from Parental Questions

The Welcome to the World: keepsake gift book for a new baby is the perfect present at any baby shower. This book has all of your needs when you need an appropriate and thoughtful thing to bring with you. The front page is personalized with the child’s name, and there are cute illustrations throughout that will make anyone in attendance want one.
Peek A Who by Nina Laden
This product was recommended by Alison from Everlasting Occasion

This interactive book is part educational, part game. It’s great fun to read and everyone can get involved. Its ideal for young babies with colorful pictures, simple rhymes and is the perfect size for small hands to hold.
Baby-Led Weaning, Completely Updated and Expanded Tenth Anniversary Edition by Gill Rapley PhD
This product was recommended by Shirley Gutkowski from Primal Air, LLC

Snoring is a problem today partially because babies are eating chew free foods! The muscles in the snoring complex are never developed from the get go. But giving babies actual foods has become pretty scary, what if they choke??? This book makes feeding baby fun and exciting for parents and babies. Ms. Rapely describes why and how to start babies on real food without fear. The difference in preference between food and something to eat starts in babies.
Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
This product was recommended by Stephanie Mantilla from Plant Prosperous

This book follows the story of a baby bird who falls out of the nest and goes on the search for his mother. He encounters farm animals one by one until a construction vehicle puts him back into the nest. Once his mother returns, the baby bird is overjoyed. It’s a sweet book that shows perseverance for finding one’s family and happiness once you do. The illustrations are beautiful and classic. Many moms grew up having this book read to them as a child so they’ll appreciate continuing the tradition.
Nobody Ever Told Me (or my Mother) That! by Diane Bahr
This product was recommended by Shirley Gutkowski from Primal Air, LLC

Now that times have restructured families where video conferencing is replacing large family gatherings, new parents need a handle or touch stone with things learned about child development and rearing that is not passed on easily through generations. Babies are babies and milestones are generally the same for all. Most people don’t know how important nose breathing is for babies. Cute snoring noises are sign that the baby isn’t breathing right. Take the pressure off! Stop the crazy worry cycles! Learn the wisdom of the ages in this comprehensive book about child development that no one thought to put into a book before.
123s of Thankfulness by Patricia Hegarty
This product was recommended by Allison Ackerman from Cortland Consulting

This has been one of our most frequent bedtime books. It is a pretty quick read with lovely illustrations that combines counting with the many ways to show gratitude.
Welcome Little One by Sarah Magsamen
This product was recommended by Dave Pedley from Your Cub

This great elephant board book is a New York Bestseller and is perfect for newborns. It has rhyming text, lively illustrations, and a message of love, allowing parents and children to cherish their special bond. It is the perfect size for little hands, has space to record the birth details, and has a bonus section for parents to write a personal message to their newborn.
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman
This product was recommended by Anna Lange from Classic Anna

I honestly wish someone would’ve given me this book at my baby shower. I had so many books on how to prepare for baby but none on how to help me handle how and what I was feeling after my son was born. This book changed the game by helping me realize what I was feeling was common, and that I wasn’t alone in my thoughts. It gave me the tools/resources on how to manage what I was feeling and when to call for help.
You are Revolutionary by Cindy Wang Brandt
This product was recommended by Erin Conti from PR by the Book

An inspiring children’s book written by parenting expert and influencer Cindy Wang Brandt and vibrantly illustrated by artist Lynnor Bontigao, this picture book features a diverse group of children taking up a call to action and using their individual gifts to change the world. You Are Revolutionary speaks to every child who sees injustice in the world, revealing they have everything they need inside themselves to make big, transformative change.
Kobee Manatee by Robert Scott Thayer
This product was recommended by Erin Conti from PR by the Book

The newest installment in the award-winning Kobee Manatee® Children’s Educational Picture Book Series! The story follows Kobee and his seafaring friends on a Caribbean adventure to help his cousin Quinn with her underwater café. Their adventure is filled with interesting facts about climate change and the danger plastic pollution is having in our oceans and on our coral reefs. Each book in the series comes with an educational component for teachers and parents to use.
Where Is The Green Sheep? by Mem Fox
This product was recommended by Carly Hobbs from My Green Toddler

This book uses simple and repetitive language perfect for babies. In the search for the green sheep, we see many other wonderful sheep. The colorful, amusing illustrations will make this an instant favorite with babies and toddlers. Most importantly it comes in a board book which will stand up against grabbing fingers.
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
This product was recommended by Kimberly McGraw from Life Worth the Living

I remember my mom always gifting The Giving Tree when she attended baby showers and I remember asking her one time why she only ever bought that one. She told me, The Giving Tree tells you all you need to know about living. The more you give and love others, the happier you’ll be. That never left me. Now, I try to carry on my mom’s tradition, with her words written on the inside cover.
Weird Parenting Wins by Hillary Frank
This product was recommended by Cathy Mills from Net Influencer

A book that prepares people for the beautiful stage of parenting is Weird Parenting Wins. Therefore, it makes an ideal baby shower gift. It contains the best tips from real people who have already experienced this stage and learned how to deal with different types of children’s personalities. Author Hillary Frank has a popular podcast, which makes her an expert in this field. This will most definitely be a unique and special gift for every parent.
Corduroy by Don Freeman
This product was recommended by A.M. Pierre from A.M. Pierre, YA Author

This book is over 50 years old and still going strong. The text is a bit longer, so it might not be the first book they’ll read with their baby, but the beautiful illustrations and sturdy board book format mean the little one will be able to enjoy it long before they’re at a level to sit through it (or appreciate its message of seeing beyond the superficial).
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
This product was recommended by A.M. Pierre from A.M. Pierre, YA Author

Sweet and sincere with lovely illustrations – what’s not to love? When I was little, I seem to remember a lot of books showing the love of moms for their children – which is wonderful, of course, but I really appreciated that this one showcased all the loving fathers out there.
Naming Your Little Geek by Scott Rubin
This product was recommended by Scott Rubin from Familius

Baby name books are always fun, but Naming Your Little Geek is the perfect baby shower gift and activity all in one! Whether you’re a super geek or not, the book is great for looking up potential names and discovering all sorts of information on their meanings and what characters have had them; you can also discover lots of other unique names including really wild ones from fantasy and sci-fi stories. You can even take turns picking out the weirdest names and seeing which one everybody prefers! All of the entries are really positive and offer fun commentary as well as tongue in cheek predictions on how your child will turn out based on what name they are given.
The Wonder Weeks by Xaviera Plooij
This product was recommended by Maggie Sutherland from Sutherland Photography

This book is AMAZING!! It talks about the brain development going on for each stage and age your baby goes through. It talks about what to expect with each and is incredibly accurate at providing estimated weeks to expect different behaviors. It is a HUGE relief for new parents and even experienced parents to know why their baby is cranky, for example, at a specific week. Great baby shower gift!
God Bless Our Baby by Hannah Hall
This product was recommended by Nataly Kharkina from Green Baby World

Perfect baby shower gift. Nice colors, easy-to-turn pages, lovely pictures. Adorable book. Recommended to families (with at least one child) waiting for a new sweet member.
God Bless You and Goodnight by Hannah Hall
This product was recommended by Nataly Kharkina from Green Baby World

A touch-and-feel book. More suitable for toddlers. The book is not overly religious. Charming pictures and colors. A lovely bedtime story helps to create an evening routine and prepare your baby for a bedtime reading.
Parenting With Love And Logic by Foster Cline
This product was recommended by David Adler from The Travel Secret

This book supports parents with different tips for raising confident children who can overcome and move forward in all day-to-day situations. It is also an excellent guide to develop children’s personalities in a different way with simple and healthy methods that do not include fights or threats. This makes it a great baby shower gift.