Experts Tell Us the Best Feminist Books Of All Time

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Feminist Books Of All Time. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Feminism Is For Everybody by Bell Hooks

This product was recommended by Miranda Yan from VinPit

Reading this book will give you an insight into a crucial pillar of feminism called “Inclusive Feminism.” Here, Bell Hooks explains in great depth what inclusive feminism is and how it can be used as a practical application in our day-to-day life. If you are a lay-feminist, then this is your go-to book.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

This product was recommended by Miranda Yan from VinPit

Little Women by Alcott is a mesmerizing story about the journey of four sisters. It tells us how they find love while bearing all their suffering and overcoming it to earn a place in the hearts of feminists of all kinds.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft

This product was recommended by Miranda Yan from VinPit

The book is based on the author’s experiences and the revolutions that she lived through in her life. The author talks about human beliefs and the need for more significant acts of humanity to ensure proper rights are given to socially marginalized groups of women.

Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

This product was recommended by Miranda Yan from VinPit

This book was a big slap of their face and is considered one of the foundational stones of feminist critique and written as a response to women’s literary criticism. It was written to answer famous literary figures who often claimed that women were inherently lesser writers and very inferior to men writers.

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This product was recommended by Sylvia Manman Kang from Mira

A title that served as the name for the Nigerian author’s TED talk in 2012, it is now the same title that carries one of the most important books today. In these pages, Ngozi explains insightfully, and with a sharp sense of humor, all that comes with being a feminist in the 21st century. She gives a clear exposition of what women face in today’s society, listing micromachismos, giving objective data, and telling anecdotes. By the end, she proposes solutions that will only be possible by working together to create a more equitable world. Overall, reading this book gives a clearer idea of the feminist fight and its importance for the development of women in society.

The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

The most classic feminist textbook I ever have read. It is also far more accessible than I had imagined. If you’re searching for a historical introduction to the negative structures of beauty in society, this book is perfect for you. I recommend reading it and making up your own opinion, but most of the time it’s quite impartial and considers both sides of the

Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit

This product was recommended by Sharon Van Donkelaar from Expandi

We could expect nothing less from one of the greatest wordsmiths of this era, Rebecca Solnit, who gave the world the word ‘mansplaining’. This term gives a name to that situation in which a man tries to explain to a woman a subject in which she is an expert. This book, besides having introduced this term, is a compilation of the best feminist essays by this author. It addresses topics ranging from gender violence, the role of women in the struggle for civil rights, to the importance of equality. At the beginning of the book, the writer explains how a multimillionaire spent hours talking to her about a book without knowing that she was the author. From there, an excellent essay on feminism starts developing.

Beautiful You by Rosie Molinary

This product was recommended by Brack Nelson from Incrementors

The book is about encouraging women, whatever their size, shape, and color, to work toward feeling wonderful about themselves despite today’s media-saturated culture through a 365-day action plan. When I read, I’ve stuck with the book so far, and I’m committed enough to finish out the year. The message of Beautiful You is extremely important for women. The authors remind us we don’t need to buy into all that negative garbage to feel good about ourselves. This book will help you build your worth. I recommend everyone to read it, regardless of gender identity.

The Women’s Room By Marilyn French

This product was recommended by Kerry Lopez from Incrementors

I hadn’t even heard about this book until — and although I finally wish it had been included on my required reading lists in school, I’m glad I got it, eventually. The book reflects the personal and political transformation of Mira Ward, a woman who has spent her life engaged in a patriarchal culture (the 1950s and ‘60s America) where misogynistic social rules are so ingrained and accepted that Mira and her colleagues don’t even know they’ve been subscribing to an unfair system. But when the Women’s Rights Movement grows across the country, the social changes transform Mira’s awareness of herself and her place in the world.

Women Who BossUp by Tam Luc

This product was recommended by Sheena Yap Chan from The Tao Of Self Confidence

Asian Women Who Boss Up profiles the stories of 18 Asian women who have broken the mold to achieve, overcome difficulties or inspire change through the relentless endeavor. Hailing from across the globe, diverse walks of life and varied disciplines including STEM, healthcare, finance, coaching and non-profits, Women Who BossUp is a welcome companion to any boss or boss in the making.

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

This product was recommended by Mark Condon from Shoktkit

The book subtly conveys the message that it is okay to not like things that other people pretend to love. It throws light on what it means to be a bad feminist, an imperfect woman in a world in which has set up its own illogical parameters of a good feminist and necessarily wants all females to conform to it. It gives the readers a clear understanding of how a strong socio-political movement that is founded on the principles of empowerment and equal rights gets reduced to an agenda of hate against a particular gender.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This product was recommended by Devoney Looser from DevoneyLooser

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813) deserves to be on the list. This beloved novel may be mistaken for a feel-good romance, but those who’ve read it closely know that it’s also a moving work of social criticism and early feminism. Heroine Elizabeth Bennet repeatedly and unapologetically refuses to do what’s expected of her. She turns down offers of marriage and economic comfort in what were, for the time, surprising and deeply principled stands. Austen gives us an early vision of intellectual equality in marriage by drawing on the insights of another important feminist book of the time, Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792).

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