Warning Signs of Hormonal Imbalance and How You Can Treat It

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Image by silviarita from Pixabay

As per stats, “More than 47% women experienced multiple health issues due to the hormonal imbalance.” And nearly 72% of these women didn’t know they are experiencing issues due to the irregular hormonal balance.

Hormones are tiny messengers in the human body that do the most significant tasks, i.e., keeping bodily functions in order. And when the hormones get out of balance, they can have adverse effects on the health of an individual.

But how to find out if the hormones are in a natural balance? This post rounds up some warning signs of hormonal imbalance.

Also, you’ll find time-tested ways to deal with it.

Symptoms and Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

These are the eight major warning signs you will experience if the hormones are out of balance.

Pelvic Pain

Women that experience excruciating pelvic pain during intercourse or periods might have hormonal imbalance. When the hormones get out of balance, it results in endometriosis, which then results in pelvic pain.

It is essential to see a good doctor if you experience intense pelvic pain.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Typically, the menstrual cycle in women can range from 21 to 35 days. If this cycle gets disturbed, then it can be a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Irregular menstrual cycles can also be a sign of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), which is a rising cause of worry in women.

Skin and Hair Issues

The disturbed balance of hormones often impacts hair, skin, and nails. Hormones known as androgens are responsible for stimulating the hair follicles and oil glands, which is important for healthy nails, and hair.

Furthermore, any sudden changes in the thyroid hormone have a direct impact on the skin and especially the hair making it brittle and thin.

An increased amount of facial hair or thinning of head hair can be a warning sign of disturbed thyroid hormones, and that indicates hormonal imbalance.

Poor-quality Sleep

During menopause and perimenopause, the ovaries produce less progesterone and estrogen, which results in insomnia. The reduction in estrogen levels also results in night sweats, which is another sign of hormonal imbalance.

Individuals that find it hard to sleep or sweat while sleeping may be experiencing hormonal imbalance.

Furthermore, around 40% of women experience perimenopause, and it results in sleep disturbance as well.

Digestive Issues

The count of neurotransmitters is immensely greater in the gut than any other organ of the body. So, it is no surprise that digestive issues can be a result of hormonal imbalance.

The hormones are responsible for functionality of the bacterial system and growth of microbiome in the intestine for smooth digestion. However, if there is a hormonal imbalance, then you will experience several digestive issues including diarrhea and bloating.

Unexplained Weight Gain

Several hormone-related issues can lead to unexplained weight gain. The reason for persistent weight gain is PCOS or stressed-out adrenals.

The sudden change in the insulin and thyroid contribute a lot to weight gain. Moreover, the stress hormone, leptin, and ghrelin hormones affect fullness cues and hunger, causing weight gain.


If you still feel exhausted even after having a healthy diet and taking rest, it can be a sign of adrenal fatigue, which is due to hormonal imbalance. Individuals experiencing fatigue should consult a doctor to know more about the hormonal imbalance.

Breast Discharge

Women that aren’t breastfeeding can experience a milk-colored discharge from the breast. This is due to the overproduction of hormones or hormonal imbalance.

It can even affect the menstrual cycle and ovulation, disturbing the fertility of the individual.

How to Treat Hormonal Imbalance

Now that you know about the warning signs of hormonal imbalance, it is essential to know about its treatments as well.

Here are the best ways to deal with a hormonal imbalance to lead a healthy life.

Add Protein to your Meal

Eating a good amount of protein is essential. Consuming dietary protein replenishes the amounts of essential amino acids that the body needs. Furthermore, the intake of protein has a direct impact on the release of some hormones.

Several studies have shown that eating protein reduces the levels of hunger hormones, which can put a full stop to unexplained weight gain.

Opt for HRT (hormonal replacement therapy)

Hormonal replacement therapy or HRT is very effective in dealing with hormonal imbalance. It is a safe and effective therapy that can help you cope up with several health issues, including depression, reduced muscle mass, lox sex drive, irregular menstrual issues, and more.

Don’t Skip Regular Exercise

Another most effective way to keep the hormones in balance is regular exercise. When you exercise, the body gets the ability to reduce insulin levels.

Furthermore, exercising regularly improves the quality of life and can help you deal with most of the warning signs listed here.

Avoid Undereating and Overeating

Eating too little or too much is responsible for sudden weight gain or weight loss due to disturbances in hormonal balance. Undereating can reduce insulin sensitivity, whereas overeating can increase it, and both are not good for the hormonal balance.

Is Hormonal Imbalance Common?

Hormonal imbalance is becoming a common condition among women due to the factors like stress, overworking, and more. But it’s paramount to do something about it before the health issue escalates into something big.

HRT or hormone replacement therapy is emerging as an effective treatment women are opting for to get excellent results and immediate relief.

Lastly, it’s essential to consult a good doctor to know more about hormonal imbalance and its impacts on your health.

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