10 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness

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10 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness

World Kindness Day was on November 13, and though it’s a lovely holiday, many people may wonder why every day can’t be Kindness Day. Showing kindness is a powerful act that spreads like wildfire. So, as we go into the holiday season and the new year, why don’t we try to sprinkle in some kindness every day? Learn more about striking the kindness match and kindling the fire with these simple ways to spread kindness!

Actively Listen

This is something you should try to implement in your life 24/7, 365 days a year. Actively listening is a key aspect to being a good friend, employee, and family member. You’ll notice that when you truly pay attention while someone’s talking, they’ll be more willing to open up to you.

Express Gratitude

Whether it’s a loved one, coworker, or stranger in the store, think about what aspects of them you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re a good listener, that they offer a consistent smile, or that they pack groceries well. Then, express that gratitude with a sincere thank-you or a few special words of gratitude.

Lean on Encouragement

If you notice a negative atmosphere, do your best to brighten it by leaning on encouragement. Encouraging others is an excellent way to build up the moods of others around you. Simple, sincere, uplifting statements go a long way!

Donate Clothes and Time

Donating clothes and volunteering are excellent ways to spread kindness, especially toward people you’ll never meet or only meet once. Donating to charitable organizations such as Purple Heart mean you’ll touch many people’s lives with kindness. Volunteering spreads the same sort of love and positivity.

Respond with Kindness

Instead of lashing out or being snippy with coworkers or loved ones, opt for kindness. It may be hard, but taking the opportunity to respond with kindness rather than with anger or frustration can make your day better.

Hide a Kind Note

If you notice anyone having a rough day, hide a kind note for them! It’s a sweet way to uplift the people around us, and they may end up doing the same when the roles are reversed.

Pay it Forward

There are so many fantastic ways to pay it forward, especially during the holidays and the new year. For example, pay for someone else’s coffee, scrape someone’s windshield, let someone go in front of you in line at the grocer—whatever it may be, pay forward any kindness you’re feeling.

Call Your Loved Ones

In a world full of texting, choose a phone call. Call your grandma on New Year’s Eve, or call a friend who had a rough day at work. The power of your voice has impressive effects on improving the moods of others.

Shift from Negative Conversations

Try your best to shut down and steer clear of negative conversations. This isn’t to say you should avoid difficult discussions—rather, when conversations shift to gossip, steer them away to different topics. Focus on positive and kind thoughts, statements, and conversations.

Practice Self-Kindness

Finally, if you want to spread kindness to others, you have to be kind to yourself first. It’s quite simple: if your cup is empty, you won’t have anything to share. Make sure you’re being kind to yourself and practicing good self-care.

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