16 Powerful Feminist Poetry Collections Our Society Needs

9 mins read
Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

Poetry has been said to be more powerful than prose because there are no extra words. Every comma, every word has an important meaning.

Feminism, with its depth and powerful philosophy is condensed into meaningful phrases of passion and care in these poems. The result is emotional. You don’t need to read hundreds of pages to understand the line of reason of feminism. Any of one these brilliant poem collections delve deeper with less words.

Be sure to check every collection out – there are no wrong choices here.

#1 Dove Song by Tyler Chadwick

Dove Song is an anthology of feminist poetry and art centered on the Mormon concept of Heavenly Mother. It includes 138 poems from 80 poets and artists from the early church, through the late 20th Century, to today. Although some consider it taboo to speak of Heavenly Mother, this anthology is uniquely important for its silence-breaking, singing back the divine feminine.

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#2 A Silver Lining by Sarah Louise Persson

Thoughtful poetic insights into the life of a sensitive child, woman and mother. The prose shares memories of her sometimes difficult childhood and the emotional issues she grappled with in adulthood as a result. The words celebrate her recovery and convey the inspiration she gained through her journey to health where, with renewed spirit, she connects with the world and the joy it offers. Her love for her two sons, her friends and Mother Nature are clear, as her words get to the heart of what really matters in life.

A Silver Lining reflects the good that came from the bad. And when the storm died, I wandered again, towards home this time, to my safety den, It’s beautiful out there, the nature around, the storms and the sunshine, the mountains and ground.

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#3 Love Letters in the Wall by Demetra Demi Gregorakis

Demetra Demi Gregorakis has found herself feeling that technology has overtaken love in the priorities of life. In an age where whole relationships are carried out by texting, she remains a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, who wishes that her ‘Memories throughout her time she wishes she could keep in jars’ will inspire love, romance, and happy memories in her readers as she seeks – and hopes that we all find – that which she calls ‘Agapé love,’ the type of perfect love that transcends all others.

Her journey is the somewhat convoluted one which most of us take, ebbing and flowing through this stage and that, meeting the right one, the wrong one, the next one … love and adoration, heartbreak and happiness, they all appear here, in thoughts and poems, love letters and even text messages sent and exchanged – written from the ever-romantic heart.

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#4 A Thorn Within The Rose by Trinette Rose Harding

In this collection of poems, written in a wide variety of verse forms and different registers, Trinette Rose Harding brings an unusual perspective and creative imagination to such staple subjects as love, rejection, pleasure and loneliness. The poems showcase the author’s great sense of humour and the impressive resilience with which she has confronted the troubles that life has sent her way over the years.

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#5 Expression by Sara Johnson

This expressive collection follows the life of a girl trying to survive the modern world. As she works through her feelings on her sexuality, self-abuse and self-doubt, she speaks with a voice that anyone who has experienced the pain of growing up can relate to.

Dealing with serious contemporary issues, Expression is written with a humour and self-awareness that make it readable over and over again. At its heart, hope and love pierce this coming of age collection, as the author learns lessons on love, life and social media.

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#6 Hear silent whisper by Aria Aimes

While walking through unknown, ask yourself a question or two…. Do not be afraid to break the code of social expectations, believe in yourself and always follow the tiny voice of your heart; there is no need for doubt. Hear Silent Whisper from inside and become a creator, protector, friend… and a helping hand. Share your smile and become the warrior of light.

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#7 Words Unspoken by Janey Mae

One person’s journey into the past, emotional pages written with words never spoken, to tell a story of one’s struggle to be loved and the finding of hope…

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#8 Pearl & Ash by Reet Mann

After the huge success with her debut book, a memoir – Worth It! – Reet Mann has yet again impressed her readers across the globe by writing a completely different genre poetry. Teasing the silky threads of love, wrapped in the linen of hurt and pain, she transforms emotions of weakness into strength. She doesn’t stop here, she goes into exploring the wools of inspiration, leading to the velvets of spirituality. She never fails to surprise us!

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#9 The Black Unicorn by Audre Lorde

This collection of poems, written by a woman who encompasses the feminist voice, gives the reader an insight into the struggle for equality. Any reader will enjoy immersing themselves in this rich writing that opens your mind to the fight for freedom, fairness, and the beauty of finding your place in an ever-changing world.

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#10 Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Milk and Honey is a small book of freestyle poetry that can be easily read in an hour or two. It is split up into four chapters, each dealing with a different theme of love or femininity. It has a strong message of finding self-worth in oneself, rather than through others’ opinions. The poetry also deals with some tough topics, such as abuse and loss, but it also focuses on healing. I highly recommend this book as a quick read that will make you think for a while afterwards.

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#11 Believe You Can Live a Life You Love at 50+ by Sue Williams

As a compilation of women’s poetry and short articles about living life as a woman on your own terms after age 50, it epitomizes the survival spirit of feminism. There are many instances of growing stronger and surviving through various instances, whether death, divorce, health issues, or work changes. It is extremely uplifting and inspirational without having a pollyanna view. The editor is Sue Williams, she is based in the UK, and is the poet along with others.

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#12 Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire

Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth by Warsan Shire Perhaps popularized in the mainstream by her words being shared on Beyonce’s Lemonade, Shire’s beautiful poetry weaves the migrant experience through a feminist lens, exposing the world to tragedies that often go ignored. She studies and showcases the complex relationships between mothers, daughters, and and women in general, underscoring the many injustices that pervade the female experience in our time.

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#13 the witch doesn’t burn in this one by Amanda Lovelace

This fiery followup to the princess saves herself in this one finds Lovelace giving herself permission to feel anger, and creates a space in which assault survivors are able to have the freedom to feel the same. She showcases the inner-workings of how to it feels to be a woman in this complicated landscape, and the unapologetic strength needed to survive.

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#14 Women of Resistance by Danielle Barnhart

This collection started as a chapbook – but quickly grew beyond into a vast collection of poetry that takes a stance against sexism, racism, and the threats against human rights spreading in the current climate. An incredible group of creatives provides hope to anyone who hopes to be part of a resistance against inequity.

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#15 When You Ask Me Where I’m Going by Jasmin Kaur

The six sections of the book explore what it means to be a young woman living in a world that doesn’t always hear her and tell the story of Kiran as she flees a history of trauma and raises her daughter, Sahaara, while living undocumented in North America. Delving into current cultural conversations including sexual assault, mental health, feminism, and immigration, When You Ask Me Where I’m Going is a narrative of resilience, healing, empowerment, and love will galvanize readers to fight for what is right in their world.

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#16 The Complete Poetry – Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is one of the most influential women who has fought for female rights all her life. Her words have inspired generations of women to have enough faith and courage to break stereotypes. This collection of poems includes some of the most beautiful verses that Maya created over the years. Her poetry is filled with love, gratitude, humility and optimism.

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Contributors to this article
Dayna Patterson from Peculiar Pages

Janine Hornsby from Austin Macauley Publishers

Adina Mahalli from EnlightenedReality

Rachel Bodine from Insurantly

Susan Nefzger from SeeingBeyondTheOrdinary

Nidhi Ghildayal from NidhiGhildayal

Keely Platte from GoSparkPoint

Nikola Djurkovic from PolicyAdvice

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