19 Exceptional Books About Getting Over Someone

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This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Getting Over Someone. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Remember, No Matter What Chin Up Tits out by Miranda Oh

This product was recommended by Mickey Mikkelson from Creative Edge Publicity

The book is a fictional account of a true story and it has all the elements of falling in love and then overcoming obstacles as that love goes back. The preface of Chin Up Tits Out is a statement of overcoming obstacles in life such as a bad romance and holding your head up high as an individual does that. There are three books in the series but the first one is where it all starts!!

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

This product was recommended by Krissy from Urban Houseplant

Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun who connects with her readers through this book as they are navigating difficult times in their lives. She encourages her readers to move toward the painful situations. Pema offers relatable advice by discussing the time her husband left her and she was left feeling angry and afraid. She eventually became thankful for the experience and by taking her readers through that journey she enables them with coping skills to get through their own journey.

New Beginnings by Eevi Jones

This product was recommended by Eevi Jones from Braving The World

New Beginnings is an illustrated and heartfelt book for the soul for anyone who is about to enter a new chapter in life, while leaving the old one behind. Starting over is hard. Getting over someone is hard. Whether it’s through divorce, separation, or estrangement – new beginnings are often intertwined with hurt, doubt, and many shed tears. But new beginnings also bring hope, joy, and self-love, providing us with an opportunity to find, rediscover, and love our own true selves. Whatever chapter we may be closing and leaving behind, the new phase we are about to enter has so much beauty in store for us! We just have to allow it into our lives. And this book is a beautiful reminder to do just that.

True Things About Me by Deborah Davies

This product was recommended by Alina Clark from CocoDoc

Here’s something I believe in. Reading a self-help book that pontificates about things that you should do, and those that you shouldn’t when you are going through a breakup actually sucks. No one, even the best self-help magicians, has mastered the art of letting go of someone. But reading a novel based around the same issue does help to an extent. That’s why I recommend reading this book. The novel is based around a woman whose life goes into a downward spiral due to a romantic relationship that ended in bad taste. I read the novel while going through the same thing. I identified with every twist and turn, every up and down, and every bad decision she made when trying to pull herself up. While the novel doesn’t tell what to do as self-help books will, it provides you with a perfectly reasonable example of how not to do things and an amazing inspiration from the protagonist on how to recover from a debilitating breakup.

Master Your Emotions by Thibaut Meurisse

This product was recommended by April Maccario from Ask April

This book can be your overall manual to understand your emotion and get the most out of it. This will not just aid you in getting over someone but will also help you see your worth and acknowledge your reasons. This will make you realize that your emotions are valid yet, it can be your foundation to have a boosted and reprogrammed mindset.

The Worrier’s Guide to the End of the World by Torre DeRoche

This product was recommended by Katelynn Sortino from Cross Culture Love

After dealing with the loss of her long-term relationship and the death of her father, the author goes on a long walking journey through Europe and India to heal. It’s funny, cathartic, and a crash course in finding yourself after a major loss. Torre finds renewed strength, recovery, and purpose while walking across the world. The book is a great reminder that we can lose everybody in our lives except ourselves.

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst

This product was recommended by Alina Clark from CocoDoc

If possible, this book is even more powerful than her last. It is helped me come to terms with deep feelings of anger and resentment that have plagued me for years. As I deal with cancer and marital woes in the midst of a pandemic, I have ironcially found the most peace I have felt in years. I savored each chapter of this book at it helped me peel back the layers on all the many emotions I was experiencing and make important steps towards healing. I highly recommend.

Attached by Amir Levine

This product was recommended by Gelen Revilla from Good Noise

This book is a great education tool and talks extensively about attachment styles and the ways in which we relate to others (specifically romantic partners). This book can be helpful in understanding why certain matchups can be more difficult than others and can be a tool to deepen understanding of yourself and your needs (and how you express or do not express them) in relationships. If you are wrestling with certain patterns that seemed to keep occurring in your past relationship, this book may help gain some insight into why.

BreakUp & BreakOut by Rachel Thomasian

This product was recommended by Tim Sutton from CoffeeGeek TV

This book is the modern guide to navigating yourself in the aftermath of a breakup, from coping with negative emotions (depression, anxiety, trauma, grief) to dealing with difficult situations and social dynamics (the public aspect of the relationship on social media, mutual friends). The book provides detailed exercises developed from modern psychological research and years of professional practices to help readers heal and find themselves and break out as a better version.

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

Tuesdays with Morrie is a smash hit that changed millions of lives, including mine! This book inspires and teaches life-changing lessons! We need to get out of our grief, rebuild ourselves, and remind ourselves of the deeper and more meaningful side of life! But this book is so much more. It’ll make you feel giddy. This book will bring you closer to life in this age of materialism. It’s beautiful and simple. So much in 200 pages!

Reflections Of A Man by Mr. Amari Soul

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

Reflections Of A Man is a book for men and women who want to improve their relationships. This book is a must-read! It’s an excellent book for women who tend to blame themselves for relationship problems! It encourages women to recognize the actual value of their love, to re-evaluate their standards, and to decide that they will no longer settle for anyone who does not love, respect, and truly makes them happy. This book will not only inspire men to learn more about a woman’s emotional needs but will also reveal what a woman truly needs from you to be happy. With Reflections Of A Man, Mr. Amari Soul creates an enlightening experience for men and women.

Built from Broken by Scott H Hogan

This product was recommended by Daniela Sawyer from FindPeopleFast

The majority of middle-aged fitness enthusiasts and athletes are hampered by joint pain, injuries, and other ailments that are commonly accepted as part of getting older. Built from Broken introduces a new way of thinking about corrective exercise, sports nutrition, and joint health. Correctional exercise guide with step-by-step instructions and a list of action steps to rebuild your body from the ground up.

I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye by Brook Noel

This product was recommended by Daniela Sawyer from FindPeopleFast

The book provides a reassuring hand to help you navigate the grieving process. This book, written by two authors who have lived through it firsthand, has provided comfort to over 150 thousand people. The Companion Workbook includes self-exploration questions, visualization activities, and journaling.

Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon

This product was recommended by Daniela Sawyer from FindPeopleFast

In 1779, Jamie and Claire Randall were reconnected with their child Brianna, her husband Roger, and their kids on Fraser’s Ridge. Meanwhile, Jamie’s family faces the same fate as the American Revolution. Jamie is well aware that his tenants’ loyalties are divided and that the war will be on his doorstep before long.

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

If the breakup of your relationship has left you yearning to get away from it all, then these two fascinating autobiographies, one about trekking alone across one of America’s most challenging trails and the other about crossing the globe in search of magnificent ruins, might just motivate you to go for a hike.

Getting Past Your Breakup by Susan J. Elliott JD MEd

This product was recommended by Tara Orcutt from Veggieslicious

This is an excellent book to get. If you’ve had enough feeling this way, so one must buy this book. This book can be of a great help if you know something has to change, and you sense that this is a bigger problem than you realise, but the anguish is so great that you don’t know where to begin. Buy it because you value the accessibility of an author who has spent her entire life accumulating the wealth of knowledge and wisdom contained within these pages – she learned it all the hard way, navigating relationships with one toxic person after another while pursuing a relentless desire to better understand herself and her patterns.

Break Through the Breakup by Erin Davidson RCC MA

This product was recommended by Phillip Villegas from Three Pedal Mafia

Break Through the Breakup can assist you in getting over a breakup, no matter how it ends. It’s a fresh take on breakups for women who need help reclaiming their power, recovering from heartbreak, and moving on. This book, like a trustworthy friend, aids any woman in navigating the complex emotions that accompany a breakup. Take the time to mourn and accept your loss so that you can begin again. The bite-size advice and therapeutic exercises make it simpler to understand why relationships die and to figure out how to regain confidence and go back out there.

How to let go by Ann Meadows

This product was recommended by Rousseau Vestal from Find The Aisle

A breakup brings with it bad emotions and thoughts of self-pity, as if you are exclusively to blame for the demise of your relationship. This book gives a person who is going through something similar the hope and strength to move forward, to grow and love themselves. This book explains why letting go is so difficult and proposes that you strive to learn as much as you can from the relationship. It also covers the stages people go through after a relationship ends, similar to the grief process. The tone is encouraging, and there are some helpful suggestions for treating yourself well and reopening your heart to love.

When the Stars Lead to You by Ronni Davis

This product was recommended by Smriti Tuteja from Yogic-Experience

This book is so much more than a romance novel. It is about pain, depression, racism, struggles, sorrow and evokes so many emotions all at once. The characters are so well written that you almost feel that you know them. When the stars lead to you tackles very complex topics but still is a refreshing read. It gives you enough reason to not fall in love again with someone that hurt you, gives you strength to get over them, and also encourages you to hold on to someone you love. Thus, a perfect read for both kinds of people. The open ending is perfect- just like in life, you get to choose your own ending. A must-read for anyone struggling with love and confusion.

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