Experts Tell Us the Best Books To Understand Climate Change

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books To Understand Climate Change. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

An Inconvenient Truth By Al Gore

This product was recommended by Dave Pedley from YourCub

Yes, it’s outdated 15 years later. And the science used is archaic, to say the least. But it was ground-breaking then and taken as a companion to the movie, it really did open the eyes of the world to climate change, not least because of who wrote it. Watching the movie and reading the book, as a teenager certainly made a lasting, profound impression on me and converted me into a Believer. Re-reading it, it’s quite astonishing just how right the book is, and how accurate the predictions have turned out to be. I would recommend it to anyone as a reference point to measure how far climate change has affected our world in less than a generation. Scary and sobering.

You Can Save The Planet

This product was recommended by Cas Paton from OnBuy

A call to action for children across the globe, Horne packs this empowering book with masses of important, yet easy-to-read information regarding the devastating effects of climate change and how they can be addressed. Targeted towards children, it clearly explains over 100 ways that they can make a difference in their homes, schools, and communities in both entertaining and practical ways. By teaching children about the dangers of climate change now and showing them how they can help while having fun, Horne is helping to create a new generation of informed and environmentally-conscious citizens.

Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich

This product was recommended by Israel Gaudette from Linktracker Pro

A very well-researched book and is all based on facts. I’ve been long worried about climate change and I wanted to fully understand everything about it. And this book has spoon-fed me everything that I needed to know. I’ve learned a lot from this book. With it, I come to understand that the real problem in the fight against climate change goes beyond those factories emitting carbon dioxide. And that it’s just us people who have been trying to avoid the issue. And the worse part, humanity has always chosen to neglect it and was greatly consumed by self-interest and politics. Overall, this book is worth reading. The bottom line, learning about something is very daunting if you don’t know where to begin. But with a book to read, you’ll always have a strong and solid starting point. The more books you read, the better your head will be filled with knowledge.

This Changes Everything’ by Naomi Klein

This product was recommended by Charlotte Robinson from Robot Powered Home

The author brings about the links between our economic and political ideologies and the question of climate change. It teaches you that climate change isn’t a purely ecological or scientific issue, and that in order to mitigate it, we have to make careful changes in the ways we organise our economy and political leadership.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change’ by Danny Chivers

This product was recommended by Charlotte Robinson from Robot Powered Home

This book provides very clear and succinct explanations about so many questions – the nature of climate change, the forces that have arisen to confront it, and the forces that are blocking action on it. A very helpful book for beginners in this field who want to broaden their horizons.

Don’t Even Think About It’ by George Marshall

This product was recommended by Charlotte Robinson from Robot Powered Home

This book seeks to provide answers as to why our response to climate change (and earlier global warming) has been so inadequate. It tries to answer this fundamental question without holding any specific group of people accountable and it teaches us the importance of combining emotion and humanity with science.

Windfall by Mckenzie Funk

This product was recommended by Charlotte Robinson from Robot Powered Home

This book provides a very detailed analysis of the economics of our fight against climate change. It brings out how there is an entire industry surrounding the climate crisis and people are trying to make profits at the expense of endangering the delicate balance of nature.

Frontlines by Nick Meynen

This product was recommended by Charlotte Robinson from Robot Powered Home

The author unpacks the grand battle between the predatory business and power-laden politics of our age, and narrates ordinary persons’ pursuit of justice. It gives the reader a full spectrum of emotions – from discovering, joy, opening mind, listening to the story, curiosity, through anger, sadness, despair, to motivation, hope and willingness to act.

Weathering Climate Change by Hugh Ross

This product was recommended by Stacy Nagai from Reasons to Believe

This is a great read! I wasn’t sure if climate change was legit when I picked it up. I was still open minded and wanted to learn the facts for myself. Dr. Ross takes a balanced view and it’s not too sciency that it was over my head. He provides creative ways to address the problem as well.

The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells

This product was recommended by Genesis Gutierrez from MySevenSouls

I am suggesting this book because we read it in my Politics of Climate Change class at UCLA and I feel like it really gave me an insight on what is really going on in the world and for people to start educating themselves.

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