How to Cut Down Your Carbon Footprint

1 min read
How to Cut Down Your Carbon Footprint

With concern for and awareness of climate change on the rise, many people are wondering what they can do to help the planet. Recycling, eliminating waste, and preserving the natural world around you are all ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. If you want to learn more about how to cut down your carbon footprint, then check out these tips.

Reduce Your Meat Consumption

Greenhouse gas emissions are a well-known issue, but not many people realize the agricultural industry is one of the biggest culprits. Animal agriculture, in particular, consumes a lot of resources, which is why eating less meat is one of the best changes you can make to your everyday life. Going completely vegetarian or vegan is great, but every little bit still helps. Cutting down on meat and aiming for a more plant-based diet is a huge step toward reducing your carbon footprint and fighting climate change.

Eat and Produce Locally

Eating local doesn’t just benefit your local farmers—it also offers a solution for how to cut down your carbon footprint. Small, local farms are more likely to use environmentally friendly techniques, and they don’t use as much energy as foreign sources to ship the food to you. You can also take it a step further by starting your own garden. Because plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide, planting and nurturing any kind of vegetation is always good for the environment. If fruits and vegetables aren’t enough, you can also try raising your own animals—such as goats, chickens, or bees—to produce local, homegrown foods. If you want to sell homegrown products such as honey or eggs at the local farmer’s market, just make sure you purchase the proper equipment to do so. You’ll be helping the environment, and you can encourage others to do the same.

Change Transportation

Transportation is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Fortunately, there are several different ways to reduce the amount of emissions you’re responsible for. Walking or biking to work, to school, or while you run errands is great for the environment and for your health. When that isn’t an option, you can carpool or take public transportation to reduce emissions and waste.

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