Ways To Support Your Local Public School

1 min read
Ways To Support Your Local Public School

If the public school system in your community has provided an excellent education for your children, you likely want to give the schools a little something in return. You have difficulty choosing the perfect gift that will impact every student who attends. Donating money may feel impersonal. When searching for different ways to support your local public school, consider these supportive methods that keep the school moving onward and upward.

Start a Fundraiser

Unless you have enough money to purchase a big-ticket item on your own, starting a fundraiser for new projects around the school can help toward improving the building. Bring awareness to the school’s structural needs by starting a fundraiser with other members of the school’s community. You’ll give other people a way to support the school as well.

Some fundraiser projects you can consider include:

New School Furniture

Functional school furniture is important for any child’s learning. Whether you want to help replace faulty desks, outdated technology, or uncomfortable lounge furnishings, helping the school refurnish some classrooms or sections of the school benefits everyone. You could even get specific with the fundraiser—set a goal for new lab or cafeteria tables to make teachers and students happy.

New Playground Equipment

If you have a grade school in your community that provides young children with a wonderful education, you might enjoy raising money for a new playground. Depending on how much money you fundraise, you could build the playground of children’s dreams. After completion, you can host an event for the community to try out the new addition to recess!


Schools are almost always looking for extra help, especially from parents. If you have time on your hands, consider volunteering as a way to support your local school! You may find opportunities in plenty of different departments—for instance, the athletic department might have an opening for a concessions worker, and the music department might need help keeping the members of the marching band from dehydrating under the hot summer sun of band camp.

Though the work you do might seem small, you’ll give those departments peace of mind. Time you spend volunteering might fill a job that a teacher would normally have to do—and giving teachers the gift of relaxation is priceless.

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