11 Books To Make Every Feminist Laugh

7 mins read
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Comedy has a lot of dark, toxic sides to it. Plenty of jokes are made about truly serious matters. But that’s not to say feminism is against having fun. These books we recommend prove quite the opposite.

Wind down after a long day with a lighthearted yet healthily fun books written by feminists. And, by supporting these authors, you become part of the change that is needed to move comedy into the 21st century and away from toxic, radical comedy that shouldn’t exist.

#1 How to Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran

Part manifesto, part memoir, this hilarious book encourages us to look at feminism. Furthermore, through her experiences as a adolescent, career development as a writer, and now mother, Caitlin Moran,essentially gives the truth of what feminism is today. Essentially, with the use of humor, and insight, How to Be a Woman lays down the reason why female rights and empowerment are pertinent to modern society. A must read…

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#2 Landwhale by Jes Baker

Landwhale, the newest book by brilliant feminist, advocate, and body-positive icon Jes Baker will have readers laughing until they cry (and just straight up weeping) through her poignant and candid reflections on growing up as a fat girl, and how our culture continues to devalue fat people today.

Baker is at her best here, profoundly vulnerable, and sharp-witted, with all the fire and power of revolution. Bake gives readers the tools and bravery to take on the battle towards loving yourself in a world dead set on having you feel invisible. This book is a must-read manifesto of finding joy, making space to be seen, heard, and understood—without taking a higher-than-thou stance. Baker is entirely honest about how she is still on this journey too.

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#3 How To Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings by Sarah Cooper

Ambitious women are terrifying. In a business world that is fast-paced, female leaders want to ensure they’re not seen as pushy, threatening, or qualified. In this amazing satirical read by Sarah Cooper, she shows how women can accomplish their dreams, thrive in their careers, and mature as leaders, without hurting the delicate male ego.

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#4 Hey Ladies! by Michelle Markowitz

Hey Ladies! is a hilarious read that accompanies a made-up group of eight 20-and-30-something female friends across a year of breakups, brunches, holidays, dates, summer house rentals, and, obviously, devising a calamitous wedding. This immediately relatable tale is told completely via DMs, emails, texts, and all other communication ways known to humans.

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#5 The Anna Karenina Fix by Viv Groskop

As Viv Groskop understands from individual knowledge, everything that has ever occurred to a person has previously appeared in the Russian classics: from being unsure on what to do with your life from Anna Karenina to being desperately in love with someone who doesn’t love you in Turgenev’s A Month in the Country.

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#6 Everything’s Trash, But it’s Okay by Phoebe Robinson


Comedian Phoebe Robinson’s second group of pieces is as entertaining as it is important. Robinson sees the absurd in the most hopeless of themes and times and understanding her unparalleled outlook on work, comedy, and the contemporary situation of the world encourages and teaches.

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#7 Well, That Escalated Quickly by Franchesca Ramsey

MTV’s Decoded star and experienced video blogger, Franchesca Ramsey traverses online activism, identity, race, identity, and the destruction of true communication in the time of Twitter tirades and call-out combats, in a selection of entertaining and up-to-date essays.

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#8 Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit

An insightful and witty expose on feminist issues, Men Explain Things To Me is a powerful book by a talented writer. Fearlessly and candidly written, the essays included are simultaneously unforgiving, humorous, and intelligent, putting into words what many feel yet are unable to articulate. For a book that’s been described as the ‘antidote to mansplaining’, it’s a feminist must-read.

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#9 Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism by Prudence Geerts

A top online illustrator, Prudence Planet Prudence Geerts presents her take on the struggles of adulting and finding your own voice. Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism is the debut collection from Prudence Geerts. This book will make you laugh at the awkward moments we all go through as we learn to be functioning adults in society, in an effort to make the world a better place.

We all think: Am I the only one who acts like this? Am I the only one who goes through this moment in life? Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism shows you that you’re not. It laughs with you at the struggles we’re going through as we fight for equal pay, respect and realistic role models. Filled with love, laughter and food, Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism helps us realize that we’re not so different after all.

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#10 Badass Affirmations by Becca Anderson

If you affirm yourself every day, you can rule the world. More importantly, you can live a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction thanks to your own positive self-regard. Badass Affirmations is the ultimate motivating, encouraging, and uplifting book to enjoy and share. Create your own ideal life and build your self-esteem with these positive daily affirmations. These very wise words have the power to touch our hearts, build confidence, make us laugh, and alleviate our stress―all while realizing the vast potential life has to offer.

Becca Anderson, bestselling author of The Book of Awesome Women, serves up a memorable and inspirational banquet of positive self-affirmations, delicious bon mots, quips, and unforgettable quotes from movie stars, musicians, politicians, and women writers. Everyone from Malala to Madonna to Michelle Obama weighs in on the meaning of life with badass wit and timeless wisdom.

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#11 Badass Women Give the Best Advice by Becca Anderson

Women’s Studies scholar Becca Anderson has gathered the wisdom from a chorus of fabulous femmes for this one-of-a-kind advice book. From housewives to Hollywood starlets, from standup comedians to startup entrepreneurs, from feminists to Facebook queens, these badass women offer unvarnished and unabashed opinions about love, life, word, men, and sex and share their very frank and forthright thinking on the wild world of relationships.

This delightfully dishy gathering of gal pals is like having a heart-to-heart with 200 of your closest friends. Garrulous girls and loquacious ladies of from every walk of life unleash their wicked wit in this humorous and enlightening compilation and tell it like it is. Topics include What the World Needs Now, Love Hurts, Lost Love, and Are Men Really Necessary and cover sex, personal ads, blind dates, break ups, weddings, and the prerequisites for the perfect kiss.

Sidebars include quizzes, love and sex bucket lists and topics like Size Really Does Matter, and Cry Me a River, The Weepiest Romantic Movies Ever. Wait, there’s more–true tales about wild women of yore that entertain as much as they enlighten. From Anais Nin to Lily Tomlin, from Amy Bloom to Dorothy Allison, from Drew Barrymore to Chrissy Teigen and beyond, there’s no shortage of sass, sarcasm, or sizzle and a few shocks along the way!

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Contributors to this article
Stefanie Lesser from Hope & Love Radio

Kalev Rudolph from ExpertInsuranceReviews

Mary, J. Gibson from DatingXP

Adina Mahalli from EnlightenedReality

Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing

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