This article showcases our top picks for the best books on empowerment for women. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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My Life as a 50+ Year-Old White Male by Carline Anglade-Cole
This product was recommended by Carline Anglade-Cole from Cole Marketing Solutions Inc
My Life As A 50+ Year-Old White Male is the story of how a biracial woman became a powerful voice in a traditionally male-dominated field. In this memoir, Carline takes you on her journey from humble beginnings as a Haitian immigrant… stay-at-home mom… to becoming a Million-Dollar Copywriter in the highly competitive alternative health direct-response industry. Carline gives it to you straight — the good… the bad… and the ugly. She shares stories she’s never told before and the powerful lessons you can learn from them. She’s brutally honest… and will have you rolling on the floor with her candid humor. Throughout this book, Carline challenges, coaches, and empowers YOU to use your superpowers to create the kick-butt life and career you desire.
The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates
This product was recommended by Lily Ugbaja from Mombabyheart
In this moving and compelling book, the author shares her story about what she has learnt from her years of interacting with people all over the world and how they have inspired her as a human first, then as a woman. In her words she writes : How can we summon a moment of lift for human beings – and especially for women? Because when you lift up women, you lift up humanity.
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
This product was recommended by Jennifer Willy from Etia
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero, By the end of the book, you’ll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can’t change, how to change what you don’t love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.
That’s What She Said by Kimothy Joy
This product was recommended by Jennifer Willy from Etia
That’s What She Said by Kimothy Joy honors a powerful and diverse group of over fifty women-from Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and Virginia Woolf to Sojourner Truth, Malala Yousafzai, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg-role models whose words and insights remind us that we must never give up the fight for a more just and equitable society.
A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel
This product was recommended by Jennifer Willy from Etia
A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel empowers you with positive thinking through quick and digestible affirmations based on positive psychology, neuroscience, and personal development.
ARMORED by Dawn F. Landry
This product was recommended by Dawn F. Landry from Authentizity
ARMORED was conceived to help other business professionals like Dawn F. Landry when they are unexpectedly stretched with caring for an ill loved one. As a business professional with no medical background and limited maternal instincts, Landry had to redefine the role of caregiver to one that better suited her because her 49-year-old husband has survived three life-threatening illnesses, including stage four cancer (from ten years ago) and a stroke in November 2019. Landry is unconventional, imperfect, determined, yet humorously self-aware, especially in the way that she writes with her own real and transparent style. In ARMORED, she demonstrates that by leaning into our individual backgrounds and capabilities, we all have the power within us to courageously motivate and be an advocate for those under our charge.
The 7 Virtuous Business Woman Slayers by Tammie T. Polk
This product was recommended by Tammie Polk from Professionally Sassy, LLC
I call excuses Slayers because that’s exactly what they’re designed to do — kill your dream, your vision, and you if you don’t get a handle on them. In this book, I talk the seven excuses I’ve heard women give as to why they don’t have their lives and businesses together.
Boxing the Blues Away by Amy Brenneman
This product was recommended by Amy Brenneman from N/A
I wrote this book to help empower women who are going through or have gone through depression before. It is a story about how boxing pulled me out of severe postpartum depression. It offers tools to conquer depression and teaches women to become fighters in all aspects of their lives.
Great Quotes from Great Women by Peggy Anderson
This product was recommended by Sally Rong from Rellery
There are few better ways to understand exactly how women have affected the world than to hear it from their own perspectives. This book is filled with inspiring quotes from some of the most authentic, unique, successful women on the planet.
The story of my Life by Helen Keller
This product was recommended by Dev from Theyuvas

The story of my Life by Helen Keller – It’s a story of a girl who cannot see and hear. Helen Keller gains a victory over her disabilities and evolves as one of the most inspiring stories for our generation. However, she had a great ambition in life and earned tremendous success throughout her whole life. In revolution to fight with her tough times squeezed with loneliness and darkness, she put herself on studies. Later she became a resilience for deaf and blind children, she starts schools for them and raises money to help downtrodden people. Her courage and strong determination help women to go beyond all resistance in life.
The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
This product was recommended by Adrian Higgins from Vanity Compare
This book really changed my perspective on things, doing an incredible job at exposing the way women have been viewed by society for a very long time. This book takes a step away from just talking about women’s rights and going into what she refers to as the Beauty Myth. something that stunts women just as much as the Homemaker Myth. While I don’t want to go into too much detail, The Beauty Myth is a real eye-opener that I’ve found incredibly intriguing, thought-provoking, and inspiring.
Black Girl, White School by Olivia V.G. Clarke
This product was recommended by Olivia V.G. Clarke from OliviaVGClarke
This non-fiction book is edited by 16 year-old Diversity, Equity and Inclusion activist and teen author Olivia V.G. Clarke. Listen to Black women and Black girls. Navigating predominantly white institutions (PWI) as a young Black girl provides amazing opportunities as well as challenging experiences. Hair, friendship, dating, motivation, information, racism, self-esteem – nothing is off limits. Fans of Black Lives Matter books The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, Dear Martin by Nic Stone, and The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo will love this non-fiction look at life as a Black girls in white schools by girls who have lived it.
Self-Portraits of the Apocalypse by Sarah Soward
This product was recommended by Sarah Soward from Sarah Soward
Self-Portraits of the Apocalypse is a 100 day illustrated pandemic-adventure-in-place. What began as a drawing-a-day crutch to get through the beginning of shelter-in-place orders turned into a marathon of art and writing about very relatable coping mechanisms, happy moments, and shared struggles. The book runs the gamut from dealing with more personal topics to digesting current events, and from feelings of helplessness to looking death in the face and getting away laughing.
The Intersection of You & Change By Lolita E. Walker
This product was recommended by Lolita from Lolita E Walker
This book is beyond motivation and empowerment. The exercises that meet you at each of the 17 stops of self-discovery, double as a powerful and reflective journey of affirmations and inspiration. Let’s meet at the Intersection of You & Change and shift to the best version of ourselves.
When Women Run the World Sh*t Gets Done by Shelly Rachanow
This product was recommended by Shelly Rachanow from ShellyRachanow
The Perfect Gift for Women Ready to Change the World Packed with stories of ordinary women doing extraordinary things, this book is a must-have for any woman who has ever dreamt of a better world. “Every woman’s voice is a spark that can fuel our collective fire. This book shares stories of individual women whose courage to speak up launched movements to empower girls and women around the globe. These stories bear witness to women’s power to lift each other up, and they will inspire each of us to add our own voice to the growing chorus for equality and women’s rights.” —Michelle Travis, author of Dads For Daughters and My Mom Has Two Jobs Be inspired by this compelling tour de force of sisterhood. Shelly Rachanow’s book is full of powerful, courageous women who are getting vitally important sh*t done. Dive into this empowering narrative and read about: * A trauma surgeon working to stem the epidemic of gun violence * A professor who ran for office to provide a better role model for her sons * An educator raising India’s poorest girls out of poverty * Teens fighting for clean water, inspiring future generations to continue their work * A group of firefighters training to trek across Antarctica, raising awareness for mental health and showing young girls that they are strong and can be anything they choose * Activists from around the world fighting the injustices of inequality and patriarchy One small action can inspire a movement. As these women have shown, a movement can change minds…and ultimately the world.
Becoming Cliterate by Dr. Laurie Mintz
This product was recommended by Natasha Ivanovic from NatashaIvanovic
To be an empowered woman means learning and owning one’s sexuality. Becoming Cliterate is an amazing book for women who want to become sexually empowered and close the gap between their bodies and achieving sexual pleasure.
Gender Goggles by Jill Eaton
This product was recommended by Jill Eaton from Gender Goggles
Studies show that women often feel like they are operating by a different set of rules in the workplace. Gender Goggles empowers women by revealing the latest research on gender communication differences that impact career promotion, performance, and relationship dynamics. This is a must read for women that want to take their career and relationships to the next level!
The Confidence Effect by Grace Killelea
This product was recommended by Alicia Daugherty from Alicia Daugherty Coaching LLC
In this book, author Grace Killelea, CEO of the GKC Group, offers practical advice for building confidence and achieving career advancement through focus on the four R’s: relationships, reputation, results and resilience. Grace calls on her experience as a corporate executive in talent management, methods used in her leadership development practice and her own personal journey. Her candor and humor enhance the solid insight and guidance that she provides. A must-read for professional women at all levels!
Mindset by Carol Dweck
This product was recommended by Midori Shelton from Kuudose LLC
I think that this book is great for female empowerment because in my opinion, everything starts with our mindset. Mindset can move us forward or can pull us back. Adopting a growth mindset changes the cards of the game and can help you create what you think is impossible. Carol S. Dweck, the author of the book (Stanford University psychologist) makes the distinction between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.. With a growth mindset, you believe you develop abilities vs with a fix mindset those abilities are fixed. Adopting a growth mindset can create magical powers in ourselves. When we choose a growth mindset, we can empower ourselves and others to lead and motivate others to take positive action. Mindset is what will enable us to create what we really want in our lives.
Why Do They Always Break Up with Me? by Carrie Jeroslow
This product was recommended by Carrie Jeroslow from CarrieJeroslow
This book empowers women by helping them find the REAL reason why their relationships always end in heartbreak. My 8-step process focuses 100% on self and requires nothing from anyone else. When readers shift life-long issues by addressing their thoughts and ingrained beliefs, it can be the most empowering moment of their lives. Once they see this permanent, fundamental change and how it directly affects their experience in the world, they will feel like a superhero.