23 Helpful Books About Coping With Death

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This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Coping With Death. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye by Brook Noel

This product was recommended by Joseph DeVasto from The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center

This is a great book because it is available on both Kindle and Audible. So, it’s perfect for anyone regardless of whether they like to read or prefer audible books. This book goes over the entire grieving process and explains how one might experience grief from the first few weeks to the longer term. It’s also helpful because it is focused specifically on people who have experienced a sudden loss. The grieving process can look much different for them.

The Grief Book by Debbie Moore

This product was recommended by Sofia Souiri from sofiasouiri

This book helps people make a better sense of bereavement and grief. It is about each person’s unique way of grieving. The book helps you understand your own grief and provides a range of tools to help you manage grief. It offers a selection of strategies to move through your grief to a better place enabling you to feel joy and happiness.

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

This product was recommended by Rebecca Phillips from Mend Modern Therapy

Many were heartbroken at the news of Joan Didion’s recent passing. Didion’s work has always been honest. This book may feel particularly raw, real, and true. Here, she writes about her own grieving process. I believe many can relate to magical thinking as a part of the grief process. Didion’s words may help you feel less alone. She’ll be greatly missed.

Finding Meaning by David Kessler

This product was recommended by Rebecca Phillips from Mend Modern Therapy

As an existential therapist who helps others create meaning in their lives, this is the book I recommend the most to my clients who are navigating grief and bereavement. By creating meaning, we may find that worth continues to be worth living after losing a loved one. Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief is a much needed addition to Kubler-Ross’ book, On Death and Dying. In his book, Kessler uses his own experience of a tragic loss to help others find meaning in their own loss. It can be comforting to know you are reading the words of someone who understands your pain and has found a path forward.

On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

This product was recommended by Rebecca Phillips from Mend Modern Therapy

This is the seminal book on death and dying. It does have a spiritual component to it, while still being helpful to many who are agnostic or atheist. Kugler-Ross is known for developing the five stages of grief model. This book is a classic for a reason. Not only does it provide psycho-education, it helps you understand that what you’re going through is a very human experience.

From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty

This product was recommended by Christopher Taktak from Doola

I love this book as it takes us outside of the US, and across the world in the search of good death. Caitlin takes a lighthearted approach to a more typically serious or morbid topic in the hopes of opening the reader’s mind as to what death can look like for those dying, and those around them. I recommend this for those looking for an easier read — at times funny, and at times seriously thought provoking.

The American Way of Death by Jessica Mitford

This product was recommended by Christopher Taktak from Doola

I recommend this book as it tackles the American funeral industry as a whole, as a means of tackling society’s preconceptions of death and dying. It’s a good book for those who have already experienced death, as well as those looking to challenge the notions, practises, and traditions that surround us here in America. Mitford writes with a witty voice, and brings life to an industry so full of death.

It’s OK That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine

This product was recommended by David Adler from The Travel Secret

Many of us dislike the word or hear the word death and possibly brings goosebumps. The topic is often avoided. However, there are books that provide a better understanding of both grief and how we help those who have been affected by the loss. There’s a book by Megan Devine called It’s OK That You’re Not OK. Throughout the book, you will find suggestions for supporting and comforting others during their grieving process.

Resilient Grieving by Lucy Hone

This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign

Lucy Hone, the writer of this marvelous book, share inspiring words and says that the death of a person that we hold dear may be inevitable but being paralyzed by our grief isn’t. After the loss of her 12-year-old daughter in a car accident, the psychology professor had to figure out how to move forward with her sorrow. In this book, she combines her bereavement research with positive psychology to portray the human capacity for growth after a traumatic loss. She calls “resilient grieving” an innate capability and details the ways possible to move through grief and uncover ways to live a more deeply engaged and meaningful life.

Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever! by Jacqui Olliver

This product was recommended by Jacqui Olliver from End the Problem

Emotional and intimacy issues which contaminate relationships are solved in this book along with a proven strategy for enhancing all aspects of personal connection. These insightful answers can transform an adult or teen from feeling frustrated, insecure and isolated into a happy, radiant and confident person.

Voices of the Grieving Heart by Mike Bernhhardt

This product was recommended by Ryan Yount from LuckLuckGo

Most of us dread going through the death of a loved one, and it can derail our focus and objectives. However, this book’s author helps his readers overcome these heart-aching moments not by giving them instructions on how to act; instead, he relates with them. The best thing about this book is that it’s not the work of one mind, but a collection of contributions from 83 other individuals who recently lost their beloved ones. It quotes the poems, short narratives, and images of the contributors who share their progress when dealing with grief, what they learned, and how they found closure. Their experiences will help readers transition from being with a loved one to losing them, and to finding peace at last. It’s a must-read for anyone dealing with grief and loss associated with a loved one passing away.

How to Survive the Loss of a Parent by Lois F. Akner

This product was recommended by Jonathan Tian from Mobitrix

Losing a parent can result in a wide range of emotions. How to Overcome the Grief of losing is written by a therapist. She explains why losing a parent could be tough to deal with. Whether you need to be better prepared about when this loss comes, read this book.

Knocking on Heaven’s Door By Katy Butler

This product was recommended by Jonathan Tian from Mobitrix

The story of an adult child’s experience caring for her aging parents is told in Knocking on Heaven’s Door. Providing for her ailing parents turned into a full-time job for her. She chronicles the highs and lows of her job.

Dear Darkness by Kevin Young

This product was recommended by Jonathan Tian from Mobitrix

Grief manifests itself in a variety of ways. The author uses poetry to examine death and loss in Dear Darkness. After his father died tragically, he turned to poetry for comfort. The author provides a vivid image of what unpacking loss might look like via comedy and a love of food.

No Matter What by Debi Gliori

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

This book is for youngsters who have lost a parent. It serves as a heartwarming story to remind kids that their parents’ love lives on. It tends to be the fear and anxiety that comes later, the loss of a loved one.

Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen

This product was recommended by Kerri Fivecoat from Living Large in Widowhood

As a widow, 3 years on this journey, I read and re-read this book because unlike other books, it gave concrete suggestions of how to move forward from the mourning period and into the grieving period. I know grief for my late husband will be with me for the rest of my life, but I am moving my life forward from “we” to “me.”

The Orphaned Adult by Alexander Levy

This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax

Parent loss can bring a lot of confusion and uncertainty to life and make life seem somehow. In The Orphaned Adult, Levy submits the idea that parent loss can feel like being orphaned but gives big hope to be alive and addresses this type of loss with humanity and grace. Reading this book could help you do the same and live a better life.

A Gentle Guide for Growing Through Grief by Allen Klein

This product was recommended by Allen Klein from Humor and Health

Losing a loved one is never easy. Yet at some point in the process we must get on with, and enjoy, life again…otherwise two lives are lost. Embracing Life After Loss: A Gentle Guide for Growing Though Grief is written in an easy-to-read, open-anywhere, format. It provides five encouraging steps to help readers move from loss to laughter…losing, learning, letting go, living, and finally, laughing. The author knows about loss; his wife died when she was 34. The books he read after his loss told him how terrible he would feel. He didn’t need that. What he needed was a book that inspired him, held his hand, and encouraged him to enjoy life again. That is what this book can do for you.

Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio

This product was recommended by Melissa Sallee from ALL PIZZAHOLIC

This book is the best thing that would help you to battle negative thoughts in the mind. It’s full of practical instructions to teach the reader how to cope with daily ideas that penetrate our lives for no reason; death, grief, or sorrow! After reading this book you will feel the power of to stop your destructive thoughts control your life! Highly recommended!

It’s Okay to Laugh By Nora McInerny Purmort

This product was recommended by Colin Barker from Filtersmart

This book was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. The author has beautifully captured life and death in this book. The narration of how she found happiness even in the misery, and still how everything didn’t work out, is done well. Even after facing so many heartaches, she doesn’t stop her humor and wit to be expressed to balance the equation. Definitely worth the read!

Option B by Sheryl Sandberg

This product was recommended by Smriti Tuteja from Yogic-Experience

Option B is by a successful female, the COO of Facebook, who was devastated by the sudden death of her spouse. With little children, work responsibilities, and overwhelming grief, she had no other option than to figure out a coping strategy. This book is her personal story that comes across with honesty. It is devastating and inspiring and offers effective ideas to deal with loss. The authors have researched well and combined their research with personal anecdotes. It is a helpful read for anyone dealing with the death of a loved one.

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors Web Solutions

When Things Fall Apart, written by a Buddhist nun, recommends a contemplative approach to loss and death. She advises her readers to accept loss as a fact of life. Acceptance can pave the way for significant healing. How can we go on living when everything appears to be falling apart—when we are constantly gripped by dread, worry, and pain? Pema Chödrön argues that the solution may be exactly the opposite of what you think. In this, her most popular and acclaimed work, Pema demonstrates how approaching unpleasant events and being familiar with them may expand our hearts in ways we never believed possible.

The Iceberg by Marion Coutts

This product was recommended by Rousseau Vestal from Find The Aisle

Marion Coutts’ memoir chronicles an eighteen – month journey with her art critic husband, Tom Lubbock, as he battles a brain tumour and eventually dies. Coutts doesn’t shy away from the difficulties and agony of witnessing a loved one drift away from her in this novel about grieving.

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