Experts Tell Us the Best Books About Perseverance

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books About Perseverance. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).

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Relentless by Tim S. Grover

This product was recommended by Riley Beam from Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Relentless is a book that clearly depicts how far perseverance can take you in your journey to self mastery, once you truly commit to it. Decades of knowledge, tried-and-tested methods and first-hand experiences have been poured into the pages of this book in an attempt to ignite a fire within the reader. Needless to say, it gets the job done. What’s most interesting is the way the book has been written — Tim Grover effectively delivers universal truths about persistence and hard work in a hard-hitting way which way is enough to push you into action.

Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton

This product was recommended by Jeff Neal from Critter Depot

Before Sam Walton started Walmart, he was hustling for a chain retail store called Ben Franklin’s. He was doing well, until the landlord pulled the rug out from underneath him, and kicked him out of the building. He was forced to close down his shop. But he persevered, and started over, creating Walmart, which is not the world’s largest company.

She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton

This product was recommended by Kelly Ashlen from Sexsi Toys

As a female entrepreneur who has always strived to succeed, Kelly from Sexsi Toys found this book to be an inspirational read about other women who have made a big impact on the world through perseverance. The message in this book is something I want very much to convey to my children and to every girl. Be whoever and whatever you want. Never accept anything less than ‘whatever you want’ as an answer. There are historical and contemporary instances of women who have achieved success in a variety of fields. I can see it motivating many young people, and I hope it helps to shift the conversation around doing things ‘like a female.’ I also hope that it will serve as a starting point for many young people to learn more about women in general.

What Papa Told Me by Felice Cohen

This product was recommended by Felice Cohen from FeliceCohen

I am suggesting this book because it’s about a man who never gave up. Not when, at age 19, he was taken away from home, when his entire family was murdered, when he’d seen many people killed in front of him, when he was transferred to four different labor camps and then four different concentration camps. When he was famished. He didn’t give up when he had to walk miles in a death march in the freezing cold, or when he arrived in Bergen Belsen Concentration Campus with a few months left of the war weighing only 78 pounds. He didn’t give up during this entire time which spanned five years. He persevered, married, had children and moved too NYC. He worked hard, started his own business, had two more children. And when his kids were 18, 12 and 5, his wife, also a survivor, committed suicide having been distraught over her experiences. Still, Murray didn’t give up. He couldn’t. He had 3 kids to take care of. Murray died, at home, at age 94. Even then, he fought to live. What Papa Told Me is the story of Felice’s grandfather, Murray Schwartzbaum, whose courage and sheer will to live helped him survive eight different labor and concentration camps in the Holocaust, start a new life in America, and keep a family intact in the aftermath of his wife’s suicide. Endorsed by Elie Wiesel and Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, What Papa Told Me is a 3-time Honorable Mention book award winner, has sold tens of thousands of copies around the world, was translated into Polish, and continues to be taught in schools as part of their Holocaust curriculum.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

This product was recommended by Richard Reis from Most Recommended Books

I run a website that’s all about recommending the best books. And this book is the 2nd most recommended of all time. The reason for this is that Viktor Frankl was a psychologist who survived the holocaust. In this book, he talks about the mindset that allowed him (and others) to survive. It is probably the most incredible story about perseverance, and will show you the mindset you need to persevere, no matter what you’re going through.

The Science of Self-Discipline by Peter Hollins

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

Your best intentions are not enough. Learn how to scientifically engineer a disciplined existence, become relentless, and never give up.Whatever you want in your life, self-discipline is the missing piece. Goals will remain dreams if you make the mistake of relying on motivation and your best drawn plans.The Science of Self Discipline is a deep look into what allows us to resist our worst impulses and simply execute, achieve, produce, and focus. Every principle is scientifically-driven and dissected to as be actionable and helpful as possible. You’ll learn how top performers consistently exercise self-discipline, as well as what drives us on an instinctual, psychological level to act.This isn’t just a book; it’s a roadmap to the human psyche and will allow you to accomplish exactly what you set out to do, every time. When you understand what drives your cravings and the true roots of self-discipline, you’ll be able to rise above your temporary discomfort and focus on what really matters. Discover every factor that impacts self-discipline for better or worse.Break free of excuses, distractions, laziness, and temptations.Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.Beat instant gratification and create limitless motivation. •The biological basis of self-discipline – and why it’s beneficial to you. •Discipline tactics for high performers such as Navy SEALs. •Diagnosing what motivates you, what drains you, and what moves you emotionally. •Engineering an environment and social circle that boosts self-discipline.Form productive habits to increase your focus, strengthen your resolve, and stop giving up from boredom or frustration. •Why choosing two marshmallows over one matters. •Four questions for any potential lapse in willpower. •The interplay between habits, motivation, and self-discipline.Self-discipline and willpower will fundamentally change your life. A goal without the self-discipline necessary to enact it will remain just a dream or fantasy. Does this describe you more often than not? It doesn’t matter what you want to do – you might want to become a CEO or just clean more consistently – self-discipline is one of the most important life skills because it is the skill of doing and executing.

The Atheist and The Afterlife—An Autobiography by Ray Catania

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

This is a book that could change your life … and death. What would happen if an atheist visited the afterlife? Once an atheist, now a clairvoyant medium. Follow one man’s extreme transformation in this multifaceted memoir, which brings you through a life filled with trauma, death, denial, personal development, paranormal experiences, mediumship, spiritual gifts, true love, and triumph in his ultimate search for enlightenment. From atheist to clairvoyant medium; Ray Catania’s The Atheist and The Afterlife is the first book in the Awakening series. This is a book that can change your life and death, or at the very least, the way you envision both to be. Follow along one man’s extreme transformation from a complete non- believing atheist to the undeniable confirmation of an afterlife. The book includes the details of his experiencing death firsthand in which he describes his death as the best day of his life. This event sparked a journey spanning many years of researching the science of life, death, the afterlife, energy, consciousness, Quantum Physics, and pursuing the development of his 6th sense. A skill that he says anyone can develop and utilize for their own personal wellbeing. You will read along in real time as these paranormal events took place, including speaking with the dead. Each story is taken directly from Ray’s personal journal and written with humility, sarcasm, and humor. Although the subject matter may be quite serious and a little gritty at times, it is the author’s wish that those who can relate to having these traumatic experiences, learn that regardless of your past nothing can stop you from achieving your goals in the future and accomplishing everything you set out to do. By tapping into the universal collective consciousness structure, all can be yours for the asking. This book takes you from the very beginning of this realization and through the events that transpired for him to learn and accept the laws of the universe and the fact that they were undeniably real. This book is not simply about becoming a medium. Although that aspect of the book certainly adds some comic relief, it is about the pursuit of happiness, love, and enlightenment when the odds are stacked against you having any of that. We wish you peace, love, and light, throughout your journey. Based on real-life accounts of the author. This book contains sensitive subject matter that may not be suitable for all ages and contains a list of triggers that you should review before reading this book.

Stephen Curry: The Children’s Book: The Boy Who Never Gave Up by Anthony Curcio

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

The Boy Who Never Gave Up is the inspiring true story of NBA superstar Stephen Curry. This Fully illustrated picture book biography tells the story of a young boy who many said was too short to play in high school, too weak to play in college and not good enough to play in the NBA. Against all odds, this small boy who follows his dream, not only makes it to the NBA, but becomes one of the greatest players to ever play the game of basketball.

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

This product was recommended by Robin Brown from Vivipins

One of my favorite books about perseverance is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. In this book, Malcolm argues that success takes place over 10,000 hours of work – the so-called 10,000 hour rule. He highlights how our opportunities in life are influenced heavily by our own actions and choices. The breadth and depth of his research is quite impressive. This book would be a great read for people who want a better understanding of themselves.

The School of Life by Alain de Botton

This product was recommended by Ben Taylor from Home Working Club

My book recommendation is The School of Life by Alain de Botton. It’s an uplifting but also very realistic and down to earth book that encourages a stoical approach to life. It’s very relevant to the “post pandemic” world, which isn’t something that can be said for lots of books in the “mind, body and spirit” section these days!

Healing a Shattered Soul by Mindy Corporon

This product was recommended by Susan Stitt from Front Edge Publishing

Mindy Corporon has demonstrated that she can persevere and thrive after her family faced a tragedy beyond comprehension. In *Healing a Shattered Soul*, Mindy Corporon invites readers to join her search for inspiration and hope after domestic terrorism took the lives of her father and son. Headlines about the attack circled the world. Now, Mindy takes readers inside her family’s struggle, the support of their faith community and her commitment to courageous kindness. A popular speaker, teacher and writer, Mindy has dedicated her life to encouraging kindness, faith and healing in congregations, companies and communities. Among the programs she has co-founded with this vision are the Faith Always Wins Foundation and Workplace Healing, LLC. She has traveled widely to lead workshops and speak at conferences, and also works with online events. She explains that she wrote this book for those who are seeking inspiration; for those who are searching for a glimmer of hope and faith; and for those in need of necessary, supportive relationships, even in the hardest times. In his Foreword, best-selling author and pastor the Rev. Adam Hamilton writes, Mindy Corporon’s story helps us understand how one survives tragedy, and says to the reader, ‘If Mindy can survive this, and can do what she has done, then surely I can survive the adversity I face and can bring something good from it.’ The book’s Preface is a heart-felt appeal to readers from another mother who suffered a tragic loss to domestic terrorism in recent years. Susan Bro is the mother of Heather Heyer, killed in Charlottesville, Virginia. In her Preface, Susan writes, Mothers lose their children to violence every day, and yet many have no time to grieve and receive little to no public support or attention. We must hold space in our hearts and minds for them as we continue to overcome hate with love. People say, ‘Love always wins.’ I say that is true when we practice that love in meaningful ways that make a difference. I see Mindy Corporon as one of those mothers doing exactly that. We never want other mothers to experience the pain and loss of losing a loved one, especially a child, to hate. I am honored to call Mindy Corporon my friend. Her book offers hope in a time of pain, pointing the way forward with faith and love. Read it and be encouraged to find your own way forward through pain and loss.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Biking Know How

Sophia Amoruso is an absolute legend. I like the fact that she organically started a company without even realizing it. Those small things like having attention to detail to deliver the highest level of service you provide to your customers, to ensure it’s clear they are valued and appreciated. She cared less about what others thought about her and she lived life on her terms. Her journey of starting a successful business from scratch is very inspiring. Sophia simply ROCKS!

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

This product was recommended by Philipp Zeiske from Zeitholz

In her bestselling novel, celebrated professor and researcher Angela Duckworth, revisits a popular train of thought — that achieving success depends more on perseverance and passion than actual talent. The book is rich with personal experiences, scientific studies, and thought-provoking insights that make you take a long and hard look at what success really means to you and how you can approach it in a refreshing way.

Unlimited Power Anthony Robbins Paperback National Bestseller the Way to Peak Personal Achievemnt by anthony robbins

This product was recommended by Cathy Mills from Net Influencer

Unlimited Power is an excellent book about perseverance. This book by the well-known author Anthony Robbins is an incredible guide to never give up and always keep going forward discovering our hidden potential. Additionally, this book has given me many bases to improve myself as a person and always fight for the dreams I have.

Perseverance by Richard Willett

This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign

This renowned book on Perseverance, written by eminent author Richard Willett, showcases a delicate story of Ricky’s faith, his passionate sense of humor, and how his inner fighting ability lets him become a man. After reading the first part, you will be stunned at Ricky’s capability to live a mirthful life while handling numerous challenges. And the second part will portray that Rickey will be growing into a successful and capable young man who can efficiently carry a pair of crutches under his arms.

Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

This product was recommended by Amit Verma from Job Alert

I believe that teaching children while they’re still young has a more lasting effect on people. That’s why I invest in children’s books, so my kids learn early. This book is about Grace, who wanted to play the part of Peter Pan. She heard so many discouragements that she lost her confidence along the way. This book will also show how Grace overcame those detractions with the help of her family. In the end, Grace learns that staying true to her dream pays off.

The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

This product was recommended by David Adler from The Travel Secret

Robin Sharma explains in the 5 AM Club how setting routines can lead to increased productivity and reaching your goals without giving up. For this reason, I think it is a perfect book to develop perseverance. The best thing is that the book is very practical and gives very specific tips such as the 20/20/20 technique that consists of using those first 60 minutes of the day to exercise, reflect and learn something new. Creating these types of routines in my life has allowed me to be much more perseverant, strive to get ahead, and accomplish my goals in a more fun and structured way.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

This product was recommended by Kristina Stanley from Fictionary

Writing a novel is difficult. It takes perseverance, imagination, and hard work. I know. I’ve written five, including Amazon and Kobo bestsellers. With a positive attitude and the best tools, you can write that novel you’ve always dreamed of writing. My favourite book on perseverance is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert takes you on a journey of exploration about being creative and building creativity into your life. I loved reading Big Magic as it encourages a reader to persevere with a lifetime of creativity. Whether you’re writing a book or are creative in another way, Big Magic guides you into a lifetime of creativity. And creativity is the first step in achieving your goals.

The Power of Resilience by Robert Brooks

This product was recommended by Eddie Chevrel from The Pet Savvy

While it’s easy to focus on short-term failures when trying to achieve a big goal, this book helps to stay focused on the big, long-term rewards and not to give up. It helped me tremendously to get my online business take off.

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