Experts Tell Us the Best Breastfeeding Books For New Moms

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Photo by Timothy Meinberg on Unsplash
This article showcases our top picks for the Best Breastfeeding Books For New Moms. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

The First-Time Mom’s Breastfeeding Handbook by Chrisie Rosenthal

This product was recommended by Tony Grenier from Instrumental Global

My wife purchased this book and I saw her reading this intently almost everyday. This book helped her navigate through breastfeeding and supported her emotional journeys. She said, breastfeeding is tiring but this book answered all her questions that she was left speechless. It also guided her through the changes she felt week-by-week so she became more confident with her journey.

Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin

This product was recommended by Rachel Jones from Hope Health Supply

There are many great books on breastfeeding out there. Ina May Gaskin, a popular midwife, dropped a book called Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding. She discusses what breastfeeding is like in frank terms, and includes sections on returning to the office and breast pumps.

Breastfeeding with Confidence by Sue Cox

This product was recommended by Rachel Jones from Hope Health Supply

This book tackles many common fears and anxieties dealing with breastfeeding, and helps mothers build a confident bond with their children.

The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Huggins

This product was recommended by Victoria Swift from Debilitating Diseases

I read this book while I was nursing my youngest child and I can say that the tips and advice about breastfeeding is true, science-based, and really helpful. It also provides things to do in order to cope with the physical and emotional demands of breastfeeding. Aside from that, there are practical tips on proper milk handling and baby handling too. But my favorite part is how to deal with post-partum depression. This is not available in other books so I really give this book a 5 star review for tackling a sensitive topic.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn by Penny Simkin

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

Parents love this book because it puts them in control; experts love it because it’s based on the latest medical research and recommendations from leading health organizations. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn provides the information and guidance you need to make informed decisions about having a safe and satisfying pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period–decisions that reflect your preferences, priorities, and values. Unlike pregnancy guides that can overwhelm and alarm by telling you up front all the things that can possibly go wrong, this book first describes normal, healthy processes, their typical variations, and the usual care practices for monitoring them. Only then does it cover possible complications and the care practices and procedures for resolving them. Throughout, the presentation is crystal-clear, the tone is reassuring, and the voice is empowering. And the language is inclusive, reflecting today’s various family configurations such as single-parent families, blended families formed by second marriages, families with gay and lesbian parents, and families formed by open adoption or surrogacy. From sensible nutrition advice to realistic birth plans, from birth doulas when desired to cesareans when needed, from reducing stress during pregnancy to caring for yourself as well as your baby after birth, this pregnancy guide speaks to today’s parents-to-be like no other.

Breastfeeding Made Simple by Nancy Mohrbacher

This product was recommended by Andy from Cloom

The Definitive Guide to Breastfeeding Your Baby Breastfeeding may be natural, but it may also be more challenging than you expect. Some mothers encounter doubts and difficulties, from struggling with the first few feedings to finding a gentle and loving way to comfortably wean from the breast. This second edition of Breastfeeding Made Simple is an essential guide to breastfeeding that every new and expectant mom should own-a comprehensive resource that takes the mystery out of basic breastfeeding dynamics. Understanding the seven natural laws of breastfeeding will help you avoid and overcome challenges such as low milk production, breast refusal, weaning difficulties, and every other obstacle that can keep you from enjoying breastfeeding your baby. Breastfeeding Made Simple will help you to: • Find comfortable, relaxing breastfeeding positions • Establish ample milk production and a satisfying breastfeeding rhythm with your baby • Overcome discomfort and mastitis • Use a breast pump to express and store milk • Easily transition to solid foods

The Big Letdown by Kimberly Seals Allers

This product was recommended by Tomi Akitunde from mater mea

The Big Letdown: How Medicine, Big Business, and Feminism Undermine Breastfeeding by journalist and infant health advocate Kimberly Seals Allers mixes research and women’s stories to explain why breastfeeding has been made into a personal choice instead of the infant and maternal health issue it is. Being informed about the campaign to undermine breastfeeding will make you much more confident in your choice when family and friends tell you you’re doing the wrong thing for your child.

Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants by Catherine Watson Genna

This product was recommended by Deb Roth from Tongue Tie Life

I am recommending this book because it focuses on normal sucking function in addition to anatomical variations, developmental respiratory issues, prematurity, and mild neurological deficits. It helps those in a wide variety of situations.

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