Six Feminist IG Accounts You Need to Follow

1 min read
scrolling through feminist accounts on instagram

Citation:©[Kaspars Grinvalds]/Adobe Stock

Women are increasingly using their voices across social media platforms, and there’s absolutely no shortage of Instagram accounts that focus on feminism. We share six feminist IG accounts that share relatable content for women.


feminist fight club instagram

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name, @feministfightclub aims to bring women together and continue the ongoing fight for women’s rights. It’s also a central hub for memes, quotes, and basically everything related to girl power. Just like in the movie, you do not talk about (Feminist) Fight Club.


girlboss instagram

Girlboss inspires women to stay ambitious, both at work and in the home. It provides resources and tools for millennial women to create success in their own lives. @girlboss posts entertaining Tweets, hilarious photos, motivational quotes, and much more. With just over one million followers, this IG account is all you need to feel good about life.


our shared self instagram

Founded by Emma Watson, Our Shared Shelf is a bi-monthly online book club that features empowering, interesting reads. Previous selections include works by Maya Angelou, Roxane Gay, and Rupi Kaur. This account reposts images of members with their books as well as beautiful illustrations and inspiring quotes from the chosen novels.


planned parenthood instagram

Planned Parenthood, the nonprofit organization America trusts most for reproductive health care, has nearly half a million Instagram followers—and for good reason. The account keeps followers informed on topics such as birth control, consent, equal pay, inclusivity, and other pertinent issues in today’s world. If you’d like to stay updated on current news about reproductive rights, then you absolutely need to follow @plannedparenthood.


sad girls club instagram

Sad Girls Club provides a space for women in their late teens and twenties to bond and talk about mental health. The account encourages self-care and self-love by posting important reminders everyone needs when they’re feeling deflated. This account wants you to know that it’s okay to feel what exactly you’re feeling, so following it is essential.


the wing instagram

The Wing is an organization that creates multipurpose spaces for women. These spaces give women the opportunity to connect with their coworkers, friends, and mentors and to feel supported in their unique endeavors. The Wing’s IG account showcases the content you crave, and it currently has a dedicated 300,000 followers. Amazing quotes, cool merch, powerful women—what more can we ask for?

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