Ethical Product Review: Altrient C by LivOn Labs

4 mins read

Altrient C is the first choice for people who really understand bioavailability and the importance of high-dose vitamin C. The smart liposomes that encapsulate Altrient C quickly slip across the intestinal wall and into the blood. 

Altrient C by LivOn Labs Review:

Anyway, I started to take this product today and I am already feeling more energetic and my morning mochas (coffee with cream no sugar) no longer gives me the shakes! I loooove coffee. I think the shake will be easier on my stomach. When I drink a shake, it’s like a big meal for me. I don’t think it will be so much of a problem. It does have 6g of sugar though. I’m okay with it and not going to be scared to do my shakes because of sugar.

I’ll write again if I feel different or if I have any other results. I may put two in it’s jar this time. Thanks again for giving me hope!

It is very important that you drink the shake the way the directions tell you to. Read all the instructions and do not deviate from them. When you drink it the way the company suggests things happen with the body that help improve your health. It’s no wonder they have been selling for so many years with great results. When they hear you are having “problems” with the shake, they will send you a different one that works better for you.

On April 19th I started taking the supplement and started taking 6 grams in the morning and 6g at night 10 days earlier I started feeling more energetic then normal. I notice that I have no hang over at all, and I wasn’t consuming that much alcohol when I drank. I haven’t tried drinking any non alcohol drugs yet. I have experienced less acid forming during the day as well and more energy overall. I am very glad and excited to have started. I do not want to take the supplement, but I am sticking to the company’s recommendation because I trust them.

During my first use of this product I did notice a little bit of a tingle in my upper chest, abdomen and arms (what a relief). I took the supplement at the recommendation of the company, although I did add a little extra powder to the shake. I tried to drink more than 8 ounces at a time, but I felt that I was crashing. I don’t know if it was the amount I was drinking, the supplement or just being the same all of the time for so long. I drank for a little while after that, but only a couple of small sips. I was beyond any crash and I really love the product. I didn’t have any effects that I can perceive so far that weren’t related to the great tasting shake.

I have been taking this for about 3 weeks. On the first day I started feeling great, but on the 3rd day I had a huge headache. I figured it was because I was going to take the shake so late in the day, but then I started to take it earlier, and it happen again. That night, I took 6 grams of the shake and it is noticeable that I feel better, but the next day it started again. I try not to take any for a while, like a little bit each day. I am about to go to work and I really am seeing a difference. I will keep taking it because I want to see how it makes me feel in the long term. It is helping me a lot so far, and I feel very relaxed but not junked up. I will let you know what happens.

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Altrient C by LivOn Labs Review:

I bought this product after hearing from a friend that he took it every day for a couple of months and noticed he has more energy even at the end of the day when he is really run down. I have now taken it for about 2 weeks. My energy level has then increased and the day before I didn’t even notice that I had a headache- I usually have a bad headache every second day, and I don’t have it anymore. I know that when this product was first introduced it was for diabetics, so I’m excited to see how well it is for diabetics & how it will help me in other areas of my life. I have been taking this product since the first day of my shipment, I usually take it in the morning with 8oz of water on an empty stomach and let my body absorb the powder. I will let you know how it goes.

I received my shipment yesterday and I immediately opened it up and began taking the powder. I am 92 years of age and I have been home bound for the past two weeks. My mother took me to the doctor on Monday and he found that I had fluid in my lungs. I have a couple of grandchildren, and granddaughter and son that come to visit me during the week. My daughter called today and said that I was sitting in the chair with my legs spread and said I was tired. This morning around 6:00a.M. I cannot get out of bed, I have a burning sensation in my chest and in my head. I cannot go to sleep at night. I have been up for 30 to 40 hours now and a pain like I have not felt for many years. I was reading through this entire site, looking at the products and reading the reviews and decided to purchase the O2 drink. I am returning my shipment today as the flavor was horrible and I cannot even get the powder to melt in cold water. This is the first time I have had such a bad taste in my mouth. I hope the product will improve once I receive the new shipment of the powder. I am putting a full 8.1grams in a cup of Diet Pepsi and drinking it over the course of the day.

You do not need to add any kind of diuretic to this product, it’s an appetite suppressant. Each time I take it, especially with my PEG and B vitamins, I don’t feel like eating, I just feel fuller, yet all my cravings have disappeared. I used to always crave potato chips, ice cream, etc.

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