Is TikTok Good for Business?

3 mins read
Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Are you really enjoying using various social media platforms as a part of your marketing strategy and are now interested in using TikTok but aren’t sure if it will be good for your business? Do you think that TikTok is just viral videos and people dancing in their rooms and aren’t really down with the idea of using it to market your brand or business?

Instagram and TikTok are two of the most popular social media platforms. They both great for connecting with friends, family members, peers, and customers in a new way. But what about big brands? Is there value to using these platforms as marketing tools for business owners? Which of the two are the most popular and what does TikTok have that Instagram doesn’t?

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to post short videos. It has been gaining in popularity, with over 1 billion downloads as of December 2018. The app can be used for personal use or for business purposes. TikTok features are different from other apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and snapchat: its functions more like a television channel by allowing content creators to create their own programming schedule and audience segments while also giving the viewers control over what they watch through following different accounts and liking individual posts. If you want to know if TikTok can benefit your business, here are a few ways it can.

The number of users

This very first thing that people can take note of when it comes to using Instagram is the sheer number of users that platform has accumulated. In just a few years, since it’s launched in 2016, TikTok has managed to amass over 1 billion active monthly users, which is an incredible number of people in such a short space of time. It also looks as though this kind of growth won’t slow down too quickly, which makes it possible one of the best social media platforms for businesses and brands to make use of.

By having so many users on the platform, businesses and brands have now given themselves access to that many more people and their content now has a much more extended reach, as well as the opportunity to use a growth service such as TokUpgrade to get those followers. This is brilliant because it means that there is a chance for you account to grow much more quickly and in turn get far more brand awareness, just be posting on TikTok.

TikTok has influencers

With so many people making use of the platform, it comes with no surprise that some users have managed to grow their following to be incredibly large with millions upon millions of adoring fans following them. One of the best reasons why TikTok is so good for business is that these social media influencers are always ready to help businesses and brands with promotion and things of the sort. There comes the massive benefit of making use of influencer, that you will be able to extend your reach to this much larger audience with the help of them, and on top of that, if they speak well of your brand, you are more likely to gain a portion of their audience too.

TikTok has advertising

One of the biggest perks of marketing your business on TikTok is that they don’t only offer the option for you to try and promote yourself through organic marketing, but rather give you the option to pay for advertising as well. This means that for a small fee, selected content that you post can be pushed to more users who dint necessarily follow you, but will most likely be interested in your content. This is a great way to grow your following and increase your engagement at a faster rate if you are struggling.

The content allows for freedom

By far, one of the biggest perks of using TikTok for your business is that there is so much more freedom when it comes to creating your content. You are not restricted by ridiculously high standards or specific types of content. TikTok is all abut being authentic and in the moment, which is a great way to find more followers for TikTok, and this means creating the kind of content that you want to create rather than what the platform requires.

Allows for followers to get to know your brand

Another great benefit of TikTok and marketing on it goes along with what was previously said about the platform being all about authentic and in the moment content. This mean that you can show your followers what is going on in the business rather than advertising your products to them.

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